Liga Asobal: Ademar and SinFin make history in the first match with masks: “You feel overwhelmed”

Saturday, 10 October 2020 – 21:17

The protocol approved by the Junta de Castilla y Len obliged the use of the mask in all sports practice with contact in closed spaces. The referees blew the whistle inside the mask. “It’s surreal”

Donlin pitches before the Sinfn players, all wearing masks.
J.Casares EFE

Abanca Ademar achieved a victory against Liberbank Sinfin (31-23) forged in the second half in which it appeared Khalifa Ghedbane to show that the goalkeeper of the Leonese is one of its great strengths. Although what was truly striking was that it was the first Sacyr ASOBAL League match played with a mask by the new regulations of the Junta de Castilla y Len, in force since this Saturday. Something both coaches protested. The referees had to blow the whistle inside the mask.

It took the leons team to adapt to the game of their rival, without too much size, but very dynamic and with a player who was unstoppable throughout the first half, Xavi Castro, who knew how to break the Leonese defense with his penetrations and throws. Only when he adjusted his defense did the Manolo chains, also taking advantage of the greater depth of the bench, which both technicians had to take full advantage of when contesting the match with a mask due to the regional regulations in all sports practice with contact in closed spaces, the backlash weapon appeared and Ademar was able to take advantages.

If the Sinfin had enjoyed two rental goals in the beginning, those figures were the same that the Ademaristas enjoyed at halftime with a Gonzalo Over the plane on the counterattack, well supported with his pitches by Leandro Semedo.

In the second half, the leons team exploited to the maximum the advantage of having spare parts with greater guarantees, printing more rhythm and seeking the counterattack as a weapon to keep the distance on the scoreboard against an opponent already more stuck against the rival defense and the irruption of Ghedbane in the frame.

Ademar continued to show more and more defensive solidity and only the Argentine international winger Ramiro Martnez joined the central Xavi Castro, because at the other extreme Cristian Postigo “suffered” the Algerian international goalkeeper turned into a torment and the league’s top scorer. Nacho Valls he was almost untouched until the end.

The lack of clarity forced Victor Montesinos to look for solutions attacking with seven players, but then the immeasurable figure of the Algerian goalkeeper emerged who wanted to show why he arrived with the vitola of the European champion with a bunch of saves for all tastes and finishing with a goal from the goalkeeper.

“If so, Len has set an example”

After the meeting, Manolo Cadenas preferred to opt for irony when commenting on having to play with a mask: “if the situation caused by the pandemic is fixed, this afternoon in Len an example has been set.” In the same ironic tone he abounded that “surely whoever made this decision is that he knows the subject”, although he has already used terms like “absurd” or “rare” to qualify the decision of the Board, of which they had knowledge shortly before the game.

You feel overwhelmed and you don’t breathe the same, of course, that’s why when you play sports it is recommended to remove your mask, it has not been very normal that if Barcelona-Valladolid has played without a mask we have had to do it, “said the local coach.

The Liberbank Sinfin Santander coach, Vctor Montesinos, also spoke, calling it “surreal” to have played the match with masks because “the players spend 60 minutes sticking together and having direct contacts” and the mask can hardly stop the contagion of any kind. The Andalusian technician specified that “other measures should be taken or perhaps give a little more room to get used to it.”

“They warned us on Friday with the session ended that we had to play like this and I think we found out even before Len’s players,” he added.

“Nor do I understand that a thousand people can enter the pavilion and now have to play with masks, although I do not think it has affected either the course of the game, or the performance, what does shock a bit is due to the situation,” he explained. in their criticism.

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