Istres – Sports – Istres Sports Badminton makes its doubles tournament

Istres Sports Badminton is organizing its new doubles tournament on October 24 and 25 at Donadieu and Le Podium gymnasiums. More than 300 players are expected. The Istres players will try to win some titles. Mixed doubles will be played on Saturday, while men’s & women’s doubles on Sunday

Regarding team 1, it has returned to service, indicates the club: “after a blank year, and it is a shame since it was first in its group during the last season, the N3 team has already played two matches The first against Vitrolles, which she won 6-2, and the very last played this Saturday, October 10. She offered a brilliant 8-0 against the Volants Salanquais team (LVS 66). November 7 against Antibes “



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