Herner TC: Grudge is the next talent for the Bundesliga

Jule Groll has already celebrated her debut in the basketball league for Herne. Now she is a permanent part of the squad, where you first need patience.

199 seconds, exactly 3:19 minutes, Jule Grud already has on the floor of the Basketball Bundesliga confessed: At Home win
of the Herner TC in the DBBL home game against Halle Lions
Sent in late February HTC-Trainer Marek Piotrowski the 16-year-old on the field for the first time – probably not the last time.

In the coming season, the talented development player Jule Groll will be part of the Herner TC Bundesliga squad. Last season she trained regularly with the first team. However, she will continue to collect her minutes primarily in the junior Bundesliga, where she was one of the pillars of the team last season.

Talent resentment is in the roster for the Bundesliga and the WNBL

“I am very happy that Jule is staying in Herne and has decided for the Bundesliga”, says Karina Sola, who is responsible for the Herner WNBL team. “She comes from Dortmund and the effort to be on the DBBL squad besides school is already great.”

At this point in their career, other talents take the detour via the 2nd division, where the clubs can promise more playing time than the ambitious HTC, where homegrown players have a hard time finding a permanent role in the field.

For Jule Groll it is now time to learn at the highest level

Grudge will hardly get many minutes in the first team at HTC this season, Much more is it for them in the coming months to get a taste of things and learn, and of course training at the highest level. As in the past for Frida Schmidt, Sarah Polleros and Laura Zolper – although Zolper and Polleros could take on a bigger role this season.

Groll is the third German player in the squad – With it, the HTC can meet the quota that the DBBL teams have set themselves. At least three players in the matchday squad should be Germans in the coming season, there are more than ten players in the squad even four.

“July is a very great talent that is worth promoting,” says Sola, who over the past two years has seen up close how resentment developed and slowly unfolded her potential: “When she started with us, she was they are still very shy, ”says Sola. “You saw her talent – but in her position, as Oliver Kahn says, you need eggs.”

In Herne, resentment not only developed playfully, but also as a personality

Groll plays on the “one”, so in the construction. From there it is important to steer and lead the game, to keep calm on the ball and above all not to be put under pressure and intimidated so quickly. “Not only in terms of play, but also in terms of character, she has made a big step.”, praises Sola, “and she gets into the

coming WNBL season

be a very important player. “

With a lot of diligence and patience, Groll will soon reach the next milestones: A call to the national team – so far she was always “only” in the extended DBB squad. And of course the next Bundesliga appearances, even if they are only short at first. “The debut was very exciting and a great experience for Jule,” says Sola. But it shouldn’t stop at these 199 seconds.

The roster of the Herner TC for the 2020/21 season:

You can read more news from sports in Herne and Wanne-Eickel here



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