Federica Pellegrini and the fight against Covid: “New buffer on Thursday”

“I took the swab, unfortunately it is still slightly positive”. This is what he announced Federica Pellegrini during a live broadcast Instagram with Matteo Giunta, his coach and, according to rumors, his partner (a relationship on which Federica maintains strict confidentiality). Although the result of the swab has still slowed Federica’s return to the pool, the Olympic champion – after perhaps a phase of despair – specified in an interview with Gazzettino not to have any intention of retiring and fighting to compete at high levels.

The official announcement of Federica Pellegrini: “Thursday new buffer”

“I hope that on Thursday a new tampon will give me the green light: I can no longer stay at home”, his announcement via social. “I’ve been fine for some time but when everything is resolved I’ll have to do all the tests again, heart and lungs,” added the Pilgrims that already during the most difficult phase of the Covid he had echoed his lungs to see if the disease had affected the organs or not.

The official announcement of the progressive recovery of the champion was constantly documented by Fede with a diary on Instagram, which he kept up to date with videos published on stories even in the most complicated days with a wealth of important details precisely to explain the consequences of Covid on itself. Headache, pains, fever and a sense of weakness: these are the symptoms described in her videos by the champion who, unfortunately, had prepared herself in those days to leave for Budapest.

The recovery after the concern for mother Cinzia

And in the company of mother Cinzia, which she had moved to Verona, at Pellegrini’s house, to look after the two bulldogs Vanessa and Rocky. Federica’s positive swab took both of them by surprise. While maintaining the distance and wearing the masks, the mother was also symptomatic. The same champion, who accompanied her by car to carry out the swab, had to explain the conditions of this particular situation authorized by the health authorities to extinguish the controversy.

VIRGILIO SPORT | 28-10-2020 09:57



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