“Cool action”, “great idea”: Much encouragement for doctors’ appearance in the ARD “Tagesthemen” – Media – Society

“Here is the Doctors German television with the daily topics”: An appearance on the traditional ARD evening program brought the Berlin rock band Die Doctors on the Internet a lot of popularity. Twitter users spoke of a “cool campaign” and a “great idea”, and the station’s contribution from Friday received thousands of likes.

Half a day after it was released, the video had over half a million views on Instagram on Saturday morning. Here, too, hundreds of users commented on the appearance. However, some have also criticized the band’s channel for allowing free advertising for their new album, which was released on Friday.

Appeal from the cultural sector

In the ARD broadcast, the band appealed to politicians not to forget the culture industry in the Corona crisis. The people who work in the music scene would be ignored in times of Corona, said doctor singer Farin Urlaub. “The problem is actually, we take culture for granted, culture is just always there.”

It is not noticed enough that culture not only needs commercially successful band musicians like themselves, but a whole substructure: club operators, roadies (i.e. technical and construction workers) and smaller bands that do not yet have record contracts. If that breaks away, there will be “long-term damage”. dpa


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