Photo gallery: A hellish hailstorm in the Dauphiné

The second stage of the Critérium du Dauphiné hit many of the familiar beats of that strange season: a fiercely competitive day, the intrigue of an apparently declining Team Ineos, and a driver in the colors of Jumbo-Visma who won the day. as was the case seven times in August alone. But while there was a lot of excitement at the tip end of the race, perhaps the most dramatic part of the day came 15 minutes later.

In scenes reminiscent of the neutralized 19th stage of the Tour de France last year, a massive summer storm broke out over the mountains and dropped hail on the Col de Porte. When the spectators searched for protection on the side of the road, the fighters of the peloton rode on to the finish. Some of them ended the day with painful welts from the hailstones hit.

Our photographers Jered & Ashley Gruber were there to capture the drama of the moment.

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