“He did not ask for the sale”

Regarding Salvatore Sirigu’s stay in the grenade, numerous questions have thickened in recent weeks. The position of the Sardinian goalkeeper has attracted numerous market voices and actually never as at this moment seems inclined to evaluate other proposals. Toro did not want to leave anything to chance and to protect themselves they tested the ground around Luigi Sepe, Parma’s extreme defender. However, it should be noted what happened during the official presentation of Marco Giampaolo, when the president Urbano Cairo wanted to openly deny the fact that the goalkeeper asked for the sale. And the goalkeeper himself, a few hours later, regularly held the first session under the orders of the coach Marco Giampaolo.

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DOUBTS – “I recently saw his attorney, who is a personal friend – explained Cairo during the press conference – he did not tell me that Sirigu has asked for the sale, not even once”. A clear and eloquent message, which theoretically, combined with the fact that Sirigu participated in the first training session of the 2020/2021 season, could be enough to dispel some of the doubts. However, it is also true that the Taurus has contacted Sepe’s entourage (as confirmed by his agent) and that for the goalkeeper born in 1991 it could hardly be conceivable a role other than that of starting goalkeeper, therefore, wondering what will happen is more than legitimate. It is undeniable that there has been a rapprochement between the grenade club and the extreme defender of the scalieri, but in the absence of further elements, waiting remains the only thing to do. Only the transfer market – which will officially begin on 1 September and will last until 5 October – will be able to give definitive clarity on the matter.


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