Bonzi Wells brings Trail Blazers fans to memory

If you’re a Portland Trail Blazers fan, then Blazers Outsiders have injected a hefty dose of Nostaglia into your body in the last two shows.

After the second game, hosts Joe Simons and Danny Marang were joined by Rasheed Wallace.

[RELATED: Five things that stood out from Rasheed Wallace’s Blazers Outsiders appearance]

Now, after match 3, they have been joined by the second half of the “Let’s Get Technical” podcast and former Trail Blazer Bonzi Wells!

Wells, who spent more than five seasons in Rip City, certainly shared the “bad boy” image with his “Let’s Get Technical” host during his appearance on Blazers Outsiders. But he also indicated that it was a bit of a fiction.

“I loved talking about trash,” Wells said. “I liked saying a few things to the referees. I enjoyed talking to the fans. It was just a fun experience. Some of this is entertainment and you can sometimes get caught up in your character role. It’s always a good time to show emotion. Me. and Rasheed, sometimes he went too far, sometimes he got out of hand. But, anyway, that’s what the fans love. “

NBA's restart in Orlando, Florida, Wells commends the league for their handling of the situation. " data-reactid="26">Although there are no fans in the NBA resumption in Orlando, Florida, Wells commends the league for handling the situation.

But how would he fare in a bubble?

NBA. You're just doing your job and whatever your job asks you to do, you have to do it. These are unprecendented times, and you have to ask yourself, is basketball that important? And guys showed up. They felt comfortable and it's been a great product. I'm just thankful the game went on and we've seen some unbelievable basketball."" data-reactid="28">“It’s your job,” Wells said. “We are very lucky, first of all. We are lucky enough to be in the NBA. You are just doing your job and whatever it asks you to do, you have to do it. These are unprecedented times, and you ask yourself, is basketball so important. “And the guys showed up. They felt comfortable and it was a great product. I’m just grateful that the game went on and we saw incredible basketball.”

basketball, indeed! And coming from a player who had previously set a franchise-record 45 points in a playoff game vs. the Dallas Mavericks in 2003. " data-reactid="29">Amazing basketball, really! And it came from a player who had previously set a franchise record of 45 points in a playoff game against the Dallas Mavericks in 2003.

He marveled at the results of Trail Blazers point guard Damian Lillard, who was virtually unstoppable, even with a sprained left index finger.

In fact, Lillard is on the guest wish list of the “Let’s Get Technical” podcast.

“We feel like we have so much in common with Dame right now,” he said well. “We love everything he does for the city: the city of Portland, the city of Oakland and what he does for culture. We understand what he is going through and the loyalty token he has for the city of Portland, the love he has for Portland. And it’s just a conversation we want to have with him. We can relate to him and what he does. “

One thing Wells was apart of while in Portland was inspiring “Can I have a headband?” movement and singing.

So, will we get a 2.0?

“We have to get Kanye [West] over there, we have to involve Dame Lillard. We just have to do it big! If we have to do it, let’s do it! “

Check out the entire interview in the video above!

And be sure to listen to and subscribe to the “Let’s Get Technical” podcast.

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