Warriors’ Stephen Curry talks about “subtle racism”, holding everyone accountable | Bleacher report

Noah Graham / Getty Images

Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry joined basketball Hall of Famer Charles Barkley, former Philadelphia Phillies shorttop Jimmy Rollins and Baseball Hall of Famer Ozzie Smith in a discussion on topics such as systemic racism, reform police and protests nationwide during Race and sport in America: conversations on the NBC Sports Network on Monday.

Curry said that it is essential to fight systemic racism but also “subtle racism and the prejudice that starts to add on itself”, as thinking that successful blacks are an anomaly and describing someone as “articulate” and “well-spoken “in a prejudicial way.

He went on to say, “change perspective and make everyone responsible, whether it’s a private conversation, a tweet, or a video, whatever it is … seeing everyone the same” is the key.

The six-time All-Star also stressed the importance of voting and will continue to be so in the future, not only nationally, but locally where “real change occurs”.

In June, Curry Signed up teammates Klay Thompson, Juan Toscano-Anderson and Damion Lee at the “Walking in Unity” protest in Oakland, California.

It was one of many protests around the world following the killing of George Floyd. Floyd was killed after ex-Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin knelt on the back of his neck as Floyd pleaded for his life and said he couldn’t breathe.

In addition to participating in the protests, Curry published a photo of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck on Instagram with the following caption:

“GEORGE FLOYD If this picture doesn’t bother you and pisses you off, then idk. I’ve seen a lot of people talking and trying to understand how tired and angry they are. All right and good but it’s still the same reality we live in. George Floyd George Floyd George has a family George didn’t deserve to die George asked for help and was simply ignored, which speaks loud and clear that his black life didn’t matter George was murdered George wasn’t human with that policeman who slowly and intentionally took his life. #Georgefloyd “

Monday’s show discussed protests and a renewed struggle against systemic racism, police brutality and social injustice, and Curry said he was “confident and optimistic” that future generations will see the results of these efforts.

“It is gratifying that you may not see the results right away, but we must continue to double and double and keep the people responsible in all walks of life,” he said. “All industries. All forms of leadership. The judicial system. All those types of things. And we hope for the generation of my son, his children, we will see the change. I am confident and optimistic about it. But I understand how much work will work I need to deepen. “



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