Total schism in the Asobal

Few and ill-suited, the spanish handball lives convulsive moments, with grotesque episodes, as a result of the total schism that has split the Assobal, the Association of the 16 elite clubs: supporters of the president, Adolfo Aragonés, and clubs not aligned with the Guadalajara president, who was re-elected on March 7 by one vote, after six tied votes. After the 7 clubs rebeldes led by the Barça asked to resign in writing, now have been the Blaugrana club and the Logroño those who have tobandonado la Asobal to force an exit from the president, whom they accuse of ineffective management.

7 clubs rebeldes

Barça, supported by Bidasoa, Granollers, Anaitasuna, Logroño, Benidorm and Huesca, have called for the resignation of the president for ineffective management and lack of transparency

He last episode of the Spanish handball civil war was lived on Monday in the Sacyr headquarters, sponsor of the League, in the calendar draw. “Was a grotesque, of other people’s shame ”, explain assistants to the act. Asobal chose to leave the two newly promoted clubs, the Swan of Pontevedra and the Villa of Aranda, whom he called “club number 17” and “club number 18”, Alleging that they had not completed the documentation to be associated. The Spanish Federation –Enemistada with the Asobal– protested in situ due to the “inadmissibility” of the discrimination, he made a record and provisionally suspended the draw.

“That is just a symptom of what is happening.” And what happens is a power war: the Aragonese president, who controls the Delegated Commission (the executive body of Asobal), formed by the Ademar, Puente
Genil, Cuenca, Valladolid and Endless of Santander; and the non-aligned clubs, that is, the 7 that supported the defeated candidate in March, Jaume Conejero (President of the Catalan from 1993 to 2005), sponsored by the Spanish Federation. Those 7 clubs, headed by the Barça (with the Bidasoa, Granollers, Brotherhood, Logroño, Benidorm and Huesca), they asked for the resignation Aragonés in May.

Adolfo Aragonés has been elected president of Asobal since 2016 (ASOBAL)

He reason? Multifactorial: lack of transparency, inefficiency in managing the effects of the pandemic on competition, concealment of information – from the call for the calendar draw they found out by the press – decisions inappropriate, irrelevancia of the Asobal League in Europe … “It is a disaster, nothing evolves, things are not done well ”, they comment from the wayward.

Granollers, the next

The BM Granollers, one of the founders of Asobal, also plans to leave the Association if “the situation is not turned around”

Besides of Barça and the Logroño –Which left the association on July 1, although both will continue to compete in Spanish competitions–, other clubs are willing to follow in their footsteps. Among them, the BM Granollers. “If the situation is not turned around, if the differences are enlarged, we do not rule out leaving Asobal in the immediate future,” he assures The vanguard
Josep Pujadas, president of the Vallesan club, very critical of Aragonés.

The President’s position

“The problem is that Barça was left out of the Executive Committee and has been angry, it wants to make me jump”

Consulted by this newspaper, the president of the Asobal blames Barça for the split in the entity, founded in 1984 by 13 clubs to manage the Spanish League. “He problem is that the Barça was left out of the Executive Committee and has angry“Says Adolfo Aragonés, antagonized by several clubs, which he accuses of not knowing how to fit defeat at the ballot box. “If the elections are not won, they are not won. But now he Barcelona –That has taught the two recently promoted– and the Logroño
they take advantage that the Federation has approved something illegal such as removing the obligation to be a member of Asobal to play the Spanish competitions (organized by Asobal) ”.

This regulatory change was urged by Barça and by Bidasoa to the RFEBM in the June Federal Assembly. This modification was approved by 62 votes in favor, 9 against and 7 abstentions.

According to Aragonés, the solution this crisis does not go through his resignation. The president assures that he has made his position “available” to the Executive Committee, but that it rejected it. “Barça want to make me jump. But what if we all leave, what happens? A League without Asobal? ”.

He Barça has declined to comment on this matter.


A month after the start of the League it is unknown if the draw on Monday is valid or not, as well as where the Asobal Super Cup will be played on August 29

One month after the start of the Sacyr Asobal League (on September 2) it is still unknown if the draw made on Monday is valid or not. He Federation Competition Committee You must decide whether you consider it good or order to repeat it with the inclusion of the names of the two promoted teams, Cisne and Villa de Aranda. Asobal must now provide the required information to the Federation. The Asobal Super Cup, the usual starting pistol of the season with the Asobal Gala, on August 29, also has no headquarters.


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