Playoff Serie C, the final today: Bari stronger, Reggio Audace more team. Exodus risk of Apulian fans First page

The Serie C playoffs have arrived at the final act, with the final being played tonight. On the most important stage there will be those that, most likely, they were favorites from the start of the competition. Bari and Reggio Audace, in fact, have always given the idea during the course of the season to be able to play Serie B and have come to the playoffs with the favors of the prediction on their side. It is therefore impossible to hope for a better final than the one we will see tomorrow night in Reggio-Emilia.

THE FAVOURITE – The favorite team, despite the clash promises extremely balanced, it can only be Bari by De Laurentiis, who wanted to build one rose of absolute level to aim for the return to Serie B in a short time. Both for what has been shown during the year in an extremely complicated group and for what is the intrinsic strength of a squad that can count on players of absolute value, from Antenucci, former Spal captain in Serie A and great driver of Bari this season with 23 seasonal goals, a Di Cesare, captain of the Apulians, recovered in these last hours for the final after the physical problem that had forced him to raise the white flag in the semifinal. Not only that, because there will be alongside Antenucci Simeri, which with the former Spal form the most prolific pair of the entire Serie C, and Laribi, who will act behind the two strikers. Bari which then will present itself in the final with the certainties deriving from a squad made up of great champions, able to decide with their play every type of game.

HERE REGGIO BOLD – Mister Alvini also has excellent material to present himself on the pitch far from defeated. Reggio Audace has indeed proven to be a team very compact and concretedifficult for everyone to deal with. If Bari can therefore count on great individualities, the Emilians will focus on strength of a collective that has almost never betrayed during the year. It is probable that the coach chooses to reconfirm the formation that eliminated Novara almost completely Kargbo, young promise back from an extraordinary season with 9 goals overall, Radrezza and Zamparo in front and Brands and Scappini to pave on the bench. So many weapons, therefore, available to Alvini, who although not starting with the favors of the prediction against a Bari Serie B format, has on his side a absolute level bench, which could also make a difference in such a challenge.

EXODUS DANGER – To further warm the climate around the game, already very much felt as well as important for intrinsic value, there is also the voice that would like several hundred Bari fans ready to follow the team to Reggio-Emilia despite closed doors. A possibility already under consideration by law enforcement agencies, which are being organized for ensure maximum compliance with protocols and to avoid situations that are difficult to manage in a key way. The warmth of the fans, the importance of the match, two top-level teams, ambitious properties and the Serie B at stake: there is really everything because the final of the 2019-20 Playoffs can give those emotions that are missing during a season to say the least plagued by external complications.

THE MATCH – The game will be played at Mapei Stadium of Reggio-Emilia and the kick-off will be at 20.45. Obviously the stadium doors will remain closed, in compliance with the anti-Covid regulations. Here are the probable choices of the two technicians:

Reggio Audace (3-4-1-2): Venturi; Spanò, Rozzio, Costa; Libutti, Rossi, Varone, Lunetta; Zamparo; Go back, Kargbo.

Bari (4-3-1-2): Fractals; Ciofani, Sabbione, Di Cesare, Costa; Hamlili, Schiavone, Scavone; Laribi; Simeri, Antenucci.


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