Ligue 1: Aouchiche goes to Saint-Etienne

Adil Aouchiche (17) is going to join Saint-Etienne where he must commit for the next three seasons from July 15.

As L’Equipe said on Saturday, the young PSG midfielder will celebrate his 18th birthday on that day. From this date, agents of the international U 17 may therefore receive a commission, which is prohibited by national regulations as long as the player is a minor.

For his part, in accordance with what the playmaker and his advisers were asking for, Aouchiche must receive a signature allowance of 4 million euros and a monthly salary of 100,000 euros. A substantial effort for AS Saint-Etienne which should extend it quickly and will also have to pay 1.2 million euros to PSG as training allowances.

At the end of the aspirant’s contract at PSG on June 30, the young midfielder had refused to sign his first professional contract in his training club where he felt that his progress would be likely to be slowed down. This season, Aouchiche has made three appearances with the professional group and he aspires to benefit from a more substantial playing time in Forez to really take off at the highest level.

Visit to Stéphane sports facilities in May

The agreement reached with ASSE a few days ago – which the player’s entourage refuses to confirm – also explains why the native of Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) formalized, as of Friday evening, the end of the Parisian adventure by posting a message on a social network: “A page turns. Thank you Paris for all these unforgettable moments ”.

It is the end of a soap opera which has been going on since May and the visit of the Stéphane sports facilities by this technical and skillful player in front of the goal. All except a surprise for the leaders of the capital’s club who had given up on him for a few weeks already. After Tanguy Kouassi (18) who left for four years at Bayern Munich, PSG has just lost the second most talented player of the 2002 generation.


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