The reasons for Payet’s refusal to lower his salary during the crisis

The trip did not go unnoticed. In the midst of a health crisis, Dimitri Payet had indicated in an interview for The Journal of Reunion Island that he would not want to lower his salary. “My position was clear. The player I am is also the father of a family. Like any person, I have significant credits to honor, commitments to keep. My role is to defend my interests and those of my family, without jeopardizing the club for which everyone knows my attachment ” This position generated a rain of criticism. Dimitri Payet wanted to respond to it this Saturday.

“I wanted to do something more concrete”

In fact, first, Payet extended its contract by two years and with much less advantageous conditions than those of its previous lease. His salary, which is 3M €, will be halved for 2020-2021 and 30% for 2021-2022. ” I always said that I felt good here. The club gave me a lot, and today I want to give it back. My gesture germinated in the head when the president spoke of phase 2 saying that the players must make efforts. And who better than me to lead by example? Loving the club is good. Proving it is better …“, first launched the master play OM, before entering the heart of the matter when he was revived on his remarks made a month ago:” I have three companies, I’ve closed one, there’s a second one I’m trying to save, but it’s complicated. These two months’ salary would have helped the club, but I wanted to do something more concrete, symbolic. It has more impact “Said Payet, also ensuring that critics” pass him over “.


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