Marcelo Barticciotto: “Pellegrini did not want me at Universidad de Chile”

Marcelo Pablo Barticciotto was the guest this Sunday of the program El Lado B, hosted by the journalist Leonardo Burgueño on YouTube.

In idol of Colo Colo He told a story that could change everything: he could reach University of Chile, however, the blue coach at that time, Manuel Pellegrini, determined otherwise.

“Jorge Ghiso who played in Chile told the Everton people about me, but the Everton people said no, and then he told Manuel Pellegrini that he was in the U, but Pellegrini told him that at that time he did not I needed forwards “Barti assured.

Barticciotto at the last Viña del Mar Festival (Agency One)

Pellegrini preferred to bring a goalkeeper at that time: Héctor Giorgetti, who was the starting goalkeeper in the campaign that ended with the U going to relegation in 1988.

In the end Barticciotto came to Colo Colo ultimately becoming an idol of the institution, but it was not all honey on flakes, is what the now commentator of Radio Cooperativa also confessed.

“At first I wanted to leave, I really missed my family. Arturo (Salah) was recommended to me by a psychologist, who helped me a lot, and later allowed my brother to come to Chile, train with us and concentrate with me. I owe him a great deal. part of my career and my colleagues too, “he closed.

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