“Maradona is clean of cocaine, but has moments of excess with alcohol”: Diego’s doctor clarifies the state of health of the star

Widespread concern about Diego Maradona’s state of health it reopened worldwide. This after the leak of a video where she was seen in more than apparent drunkenness dancing and showing her pudendal parts.

Then it became clear that the record was old, but one of her daughters was anyway Gianinna Maradona, put the cry in the sky on social networks.

Given this, the GP 10, Leopoldo Luque, stepped out. “Diego is fine. Obviously this quarantine is very difficult for all people. that they are really isolated, like him, they are very sorry. This brings mood disorders. It is a reality that not only affects Maradona, ”he told his country’s America channel.

“When I hear them say that Diego is in a bag, I can’t believe it. Maradona is a difficult patient, private and everyone knows it. The effort we make with the entire team is terrible to achieve the best that can be done with it, ”he explained.

“For you it is Maradona, for me it is a video of my old man. For you it may be a surprise, a grace, a mockery, not for me. For me it is to reopen wounds, it is a huge sadness to see it like this, nobody knows what we are living and I am grateful that it is because it is my way of preserving it, “he wrote on his Instagram account” – Giannina Maradona about the leaked registry of Diego.

He also stressed that “My priority is Diego and his health. We have taken him several times to the Olivos Clinic, we have done studies and he is a person who varies his mood and habits, which are sometimes different and have a negative result on his health. ”

Gianinna Maradona’s words on her social networks after the video of her father.

What does the star consume now? “Diego is completely clean of cocaine. Here the idea is not to come to cover or defend anyone, but to find clarity in things that I hear, ”said the doctor.

Of course, and to close, he confessed that “At times he has excesses with alcohol and at times he doesn’t. This stand, this quarantine, these family problems are terrible for him. ”

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