Liverpool meets Anfield BAN when fans don’t stop partying on the streets as the club takes the floor – The Sun.

MASTER Liverpool Liverpool are prohibited from playing their remaining home games at Anfield unless the fans stop partying on the street.

The club, along with Merseyside police, city councilor and mayor Joe Anderson, condemned some of their own supporters for “totally unacceptable” behavior that “endangered public safety” when thousands flocked downtown despite repeated warnings of the spread of the coronavirus.

    Liverpool fans let go of torches in front of the Liver Building in the city center


Liverpool fans let go of torches in front of the Liver Building in the city center

The legendary Liver Building was set on fire by fireworks on Friday as fans ignored the rules of social distance and dropped tons of garbage as they marked the club’s first top title in 30 years.

A joint statement by Liverpool, the police and the council said: “Several thousand people showed up at Pier Head on Friday, and some have decided to ignore the social distancing guidelines and endanger public safety.

“Our city is still in a public health crisis and this behavior is completely unacceptable.

“The potential danger of a second Covid-19 summit remains and we need to work together to ensure that we do not undo everything that has been achieved.

“If this is certain, we will all work together to organize a victory parade where everyone can celebrate.

“Up to this point, the security of our city and our population has remained a top priority.”

Merseyside police issued a distribution order on Friday evening for much of Liverpool city center, which will remain in effect until tomorrow.

Chief Constable Andy Cooke confirmed 15 arrests during Friday’s chaotic scenes.

He tweeted a statement yesterday saying, “Those who gathered last night may have increased the risk of the pandemic continuing to worsen.

“In addition, the minority’s actions were not only irresponsible, but also criminal. It tarnishes the reputation of our city and Liverpool FC.

“Children and families were present, so persistent police intervention was not appropriate.

“Later, 15 people were arrested for violent interference and my officers were subjected to a series of violent confrontations. It is not acceptable.

“With regard to people involved in criminal or anti-social behavior, we will examine CCTV images and body-worn cameras to identify those responsible and take action.

“The threat from this pandemic will end. It is then certain to celebrate the right path.

“Stay at home for the benefit of your city, your club and, above all, those who are most at risk of dying from the disease. The danger has not disappeared and people are dying. The celebration can wait. “

The Premier League declined to comment, but the local soil security advisory group could come under pressure to recommend the revocation of the security certificate Anfield requires to play games.

GSAG chief, Councilor Wendy Simon, warned fans “to strictly adhere to the social distancing guidelines associated with the Covid 19 pandemic.”

In April, Mayor Anderson was beaten up by the club, ex-players and fans said the restart of the season was a “non-starter” because the Reds fans were evading the ban to celebrate in Anfield.

Yesterday he tweeted: “More in mourning than in anger, like most LFC fans and residents, I condemn those who have put a negative focus on @LFC and our city.

“We talk about the images and videos that show people’s behavior, rather than the fantastic performance of LFC. Many thanks to the fans who listened. “

    Jamie Carragher insisted that he follow the social distancing guidelines after being discovered in Liverpool


Jamie Carragher insisted that he follow the social distancing guidelines after being discovered in Liverpool

Jürgen Klopp’s team still have three home games ahead of them – Aston Villa on Sunday, then Burnley ahead of Chelsea on the penultimate weekend of the season.

The blues match is when the prem plans to hand over the trophy.

However, recent events could undermine these plans and further affect long-awaited performance, as skipper Jordan Henderson is forced to collect the Prem trophy in a neutral location rather than an empty anfield.

Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher, pictured downtown on Friday, is unlikely to be affected by Sky Sports employers.

The ex-defense attorney is believed to insist that he and his son have maintained social distance while they were away – even if asked for photos of how they are shared on social media.

The police expressed concerns about running some home games during the Project Restart planning phase.

The Derby in Goodison last Sunday and the Reds’ trip to Manchester City on Thursday were the last games with the OK.

Liverpool celebrated in a hotel on Thursday, but everyone is training together in their team bubble and have all tested negative

    Liverpool stars celebrated their triumph late into the night


Liverpool stars celebrated their triumph late into the nightPhoto credit: Instagram @ joegomez5
Liverpool fans continue their celebrations as they celebrate the night after winning the Premier League


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