In addition to COVID-19 and injuries, mental health risks for NBA players in the Disney bubble must also be addressed

There are many physical risks for NBA players entering the semi-permeable bladder at Walt Disney World to resume the 2019-20 season – primarily the risk of becoming infected with the COVID-19 virus or after a four-month discharge the competition suffered a serious injury basketball. With all of this in mind, however, we cannot ignore the mental health risks associated with this unprecedented situation.

To get an idea of ​​the biggest mental health challenges facing players in Orlando, I spoke to Dr. Jesse Michel, a certified mental health advisor who holds a doctorate in sports and exercise psychology and two master’s degrees – one in counseling and one in sports science. He has been a mental skills coordinator at the Houston Astros for the past three and a half years, and previously worked with army soldiers for four years. Therefore, he has experience with both athletes and people who are exposed to extreme environments with a real health and safety hazard.

First and foremost, said Michel, it is important to recognize the importance of mental health and mental training for an athlete’s performance and overall well-being. Michel divides the performance into three areas: physical (strength, speed, strength), technical (execution) and mental (self-confidence, concentration, dealing with adversity, reaction to failures).

“I don’t know what percentage there is for each player, but I do know that all three are really important and I know that on match day the mental side is probably the most important,” Michel told CBS Sports. “So the point is to help the player understand that you can train all three sides – you don’t have to leave it to chance. The reason why you played well that day was not that you were yours Put your socks in one direction or drink juice in the morning. It’s really a targeted way to train your mind to prepare for the performance. “

The NBA situation is particularly unique in that players not only worry about performance, but also find out how to stay in a good mental space, even though they are out of their family and support system for at least a month up to three Months on the Disney campus. All of this at constant risk of becoming infected with a potentially deadly virus. Forget winning a championship – it will be a challenge in itself to just make it to the end of the season in Orlando.

It will also be an almost 180 degree transition from what players have gotten used to in the past three months. Most players were quarantined and spent much more time with family and friends than they normally do during the season. Some have been involved in social justice initiatives and protests against Black Lives Matter, which have given them a support system and a sense of purpose during a difficult time. All of this disappears when the player enters the bubble. There are built-in ways to maintain social connections with others such as video games, cards, and pools, and players can and can of course communicate with loved ones through social media and video conferencing tools. But will that be enough? Michel believes that in some cases, the player who works in a safe environment can benefit both the player and his family.

“I would honestly imagine that there could be some families or family dynamics in which he should go out and work again. It could be that way, right?” Said Michel. “It is almost as if we are not only happy that you can go and do what you want, but it is also a fairly high level of security so that you have full confidence that the players are supported and there is no danger of trouble “Everything is there for them. So it could be a relief for some families.”

The social dynamics between players will also be fascinating – anyone who has attended a summer camp as a child or teenager knows that social circles quickly form, which can lead to certain groups being alienated. Michel said that athletes in sports, just like society as a whole, tend to rally based on common interests or backgrounds – for example, from the same city or state, from the same design class, or from the same position.

Since these social circles reflect those of the real world, Michel said that they are not necessarily harmful and can actually lead to team success. However, it is important that team culture enables everyone to have a voice that they consider legitimate. This is an area that has been recently questioned as some NBA players have reportedly been upset that their opinions were not taken into account before the NBPA approved the league’s plan to restart the season. “Culture” has become a buzzword in the NBA, with teams like Spurs, Heat, Clippers, and Raptors generally leading these discussions, but it could be even more important in the bubble.

“I don’t think it is that bad to have this hierarchy because it will happen naturally, but you have to make sure that the leaders are okay to go to the younger players or to those who could. ” don’t make that much money or have the same kind of voice and get input from them, then listen to them and be heard, “said Michel.” This is the kind of culture and trust relationship you want to have in a team, and I think it’s probably sustainable and also leads to victory. “

Regarding the virus itself, Michel said that players who are generally more prone to stress and anxiety may find it more difficult to adapt to the constant “invisible threat”, but it is important for teammates, coaches and mental skills trainers is to take a fact-based approach and make sure that the player’s fears are rational. If it is too much, this player should get additional support. For this reason, Michel encourages the teams to have a psychologist on site as part of their 37 approved staff.

Even if a player manages to stay away from his support system and appropriately dispel the fear of a COVID-19 contract, he still has to worry about appearing on the pitch in this bizarre, fanless situation. To maintain performance, Michel suggests that before entering the bladder, players prepare a plan for their new routine and ensure that they take their time each day while in Orlando. The hardest part, in his opinion, will be to create the same energy and focus in a training camp environment. Michel alluded to the famous 1992 USA team between Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and other legends, which was described as one of the most intense games ever, although there were no fans to watch it.

“For me it’s the interesting part. How do these guys achieve the same level of energy, self-confidence, concentration and intensity?” Said Michel. “How do you bring that intensity into every single night when there’s no one around? If I’m a mental skills trainer for one of these teams, I ask that. If that’s the case, you’ve blocked everything else. You’re like that tied to the game, you’re so tied to what you have to do that night that nothing else really matters. “

Fan interaction is a critical part of any sport, especially basketball, where spectators sometimes sit literally on the bench next to the players. Teams like the Golden State Warriors have fed on their masses to trigger insurmountable runs, and the playoffs take it to another level. Some players have even said that they live from rival crowds that they exploit. The NBA is experimenting with different ways for fans to get involved during the games, but there won’t be anyone in the stands. It is up to the players to generate much of this energy and concentrate on themselves.

“What do you have to do mentally, what is your pre-season mental routine and how can you get that into that little bubble?” Said Michel. “And if they don’t have the same resources, they’re better off finding something or talking better about how they’re going to make adjustments. Because you want to feel and be in the same mental and emotional state that you were before a game at Madison Square Garden at Disney Wide World of Sports Complex with 15 people. “


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