Formula 1 | Wolff predicts ‘a very close fight’ between Mercedes F1 and Red Bull

A few days before the start of the 2020 season, it is a struggle between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen that seems to loom in the minds of many observers, who make the Dutchman the greatest rival of the six-time world champion.

“I expect a very close fight between us and Red Bull” Wolff explained to the Kronen Zeitung. A prognosis that he had already made several times since the winter tests.

Max Verstappen did not drive with Red Bull at Silverstone, unlike Alex Albon, but that does not worry Helmut Marko, especially since the Dutchman has won the last two Austrian GPs: “That’s why it’s Max, he’ll get in the car and be on pace in three laps.”

Alex Wurz told Osterreich he sees Hamilton still beating Verstappen after a close fight: “I would bet on Hamilton, but it will certainly not be easy for him. It will certainly be tighter than last year. Verstappen will push Lewis but I doubt it will be enough for the title.”

Jos Verstappen wants to be confident for his son at the start of this unusual season: “We think we can be level in Austria. The car was good in Barcelona, ​​but it’s hard to say exactly where we are. We think we are level.”

But Red Bull worked from Barcelona and the RB16 appeared with changes during the taxiing done by Albon, as confirmed by Jos Verstappen, who recalls that the Austrian team is not alone in this case.

“There have been advances. This is why teams have tested for a day. Like this, it is possible to bring new things to the car and see if they work.”


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