Adrien Silva does not understand the project of the leaders of Monaco – Foot – L1 – Monaco

While he expected to be kept by Monaco, who had welcomed him on loan from Leicester this season, Adrien Silva finally learned that the ASM did not retain him this summer. The 31-year-old Portuguese international community therefore returns to the Foxes, where his contract runs until 2021, but confided his incomprehension as to the choices of Monegasque leaders in an interview with France Football.

“Sometimes it’s too cloudy”

“Monaco had expressed the wish to keep me as an executive within its next workforce. In any case, this is what the leaders told me. But during the crisis, the club informed me of its change of decision. This is something that … surprised me. It surprised me because I adapted very well to the ASM and that I thought I had rendered service at a time when the club was in the grip of big big difficulties, exposed the one who played 25 matches in all competitions with Monaco this season. Maybe the project has changed? I do not know. I don’t know which project they opted for … Many executives left. I don’t really know which direction the club is taking and what its new goals will be. ”

Adrien Silva would like more stability at ASM: “Sometimes it’s too cloudy. I think it is very important for a club to be clear about the path it wants to take. I felt that for a while, but I feel like things have changed. And it’s a shame because Monaco was becoming strong again. ”



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