A month before the NBA restarts, the networks keep losing players

The Nets started this NBA season and ushered in a new era – and while this year was always expected as a transition phase, the franchise hoped to at least lay the foundation for a potential dynasty.

Eight months later, little went according to plan.

About a month before the NBA is expected to restart at Walt Disney World, the Nets have little more than a skeleton crew to send to Florida. Because of injuries, coronavirus infections, or outbreak concerns, some of the team’s top players have been banned from restarting, raising questions about how competitive the team can be when the league returns.

The team declined on Tuesday to comment on whether it would reconsider its plans to participate in the restart. General Manager Sean Marks and Nets interim coach Jacque Vaughn are scheduled to speak to reporters on Wednesday.

On Monday evening, Center DeAndre Jordan posted on Twitter that he had tested positive for the corona virus and would not be playing in Florida, and security guard Spencer Dinwiddie told The Athletic that he also tested positive for the virus – although Dinwiddie said it was “not clear”. if he could go to Disney World. Reserve striker Wilson Chandler told the team that he had decided to skip the rest of the season for virus concerns.

Without Chandler, Jordan, and Dinwiddie, who sparked a shoulder injury after losing Kyrie Irving, the club remains a list of talented but developing players like Caris LeVert, Jarrett Allen and Joe Harris, and a handful of minimally established players .

Irving and Kevin Durant, Nets’ two free agent signings last summer, are also unlikely to play. In February, the networks announced that Irving would miss the rest of the season because of a sick right shoulder that needed surgery. Durant, who had torn his Achilles tendon a little over a year ago, told The Undefeated in June that his comeback would wait until the next season.

Nicolas Claxton, a rookie power forward who played frugally, won’t be in Florida after an arthroscopic labrum repair operation, the Nets announced last week. Finally, the team announced last week that it had foregone reserve guard Theo Pinson.

The team moved quickly to fill some of the gaps in the squad, including security guard Tyler Johnson, who got the Miami Heat off the bench in its first four seasons, but has had trouble sunbathing since joining Phoenix adapt.

The networks also signed Justin Anderson, another reserve striker, who had a 10-day contract with the team in January. The team has until Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. to sign more substitutes. However, it currently has a full list, including players with two-way contracts that the team didn’t have to rely on so late in the season.

Before the pandemic turned the NBA upside down in mid-March, the season of the networks was turbulent. On the opening night, Irving was thrilled to score 50 points in overtime against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

  • Updated June 30, 2020

    • What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

      Common symptoms include fever, dry cough, fatigue and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Some of these symptoms overlap with those of the flu, making it difficult to identify, but runny nose and blocked sinuses are less common. The CDC has also added chills, muscle aches, sore throats, headaches, and a new loss of taste or smell as symptoms to watch out for. Most people fall ill five to seven days after exposure, but symptoms can appear as early as two or 14 days.

    • Is it more difficult to train with a mask?

      A comment published this month on the British Journal of Sports Medicine website suggests that covering your face during exercise “is associated with problems with possible breathing restrictions and difficulties” and “balancing benefits against possible undesirable effects Events ”. Masks change the movement, says Cedric X. Bryant, president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise, a nonprofit that funds sports research and certifies fitness professionals. “In my personal experience,” he says, “heart rates are higher with the same relative intensity if you wear a mask.” Some people may also experience drowsiness during familiar workouts while masked, says Len Kravitz, a professor of sports science at the University of New Mexico.

    • I have heard of a treatment called dexamethasone. It works?

      According to scientists in Great Britain, the steroid dexamethasone is the first treatment that has been shown to reduce mortality in seriously ill patients. The drug appears to reduce inflammation from the immune system and protect tissue. In the study, dexamethasone reduced the deaths of patients with ventilators by a third and the deaths of patients with oxygen by a fifth.

    • What is paid pandemic leave?

      The Coronavirus Emergency Aid package gives many American workers paid vacation when they have to take time out because of the virus. There are two weeks of paid sick leave for qualified workers if they are sick, quarantined, seeking diagnosis or preventive treatment for coronavirus, or if they are caring for sick family members. People caring for children, whose schools are closed, or whose child carers are unreachable due to the corona virus, receive 12 weeks of paid leave. It is the first time that the United States has a widespread, federal, paid vacation that includes people who do not normally receive benefits such as part-time and gig economy workers. However, the measure excludes at least half of the private sector workers, including those of the country’s largest employers, and gives small employers considerable leeway to refuse vacation.

    • Is there an asymptomatic transmission of Covid-19?

      So far, the evidence seems to show that this is the case. A commonly cited paper published in April suggests that people are most contagious about two days before the onset of coronavirus symptoms, and estimates that 44 percent of new infections are due to transmission from people who have not yet had any symptoms. A top World Health Organization expert recently said that the transmission of coronavirus by people without symptoms is “very rare”, but she later retracted this statement.

    • What is the risk of catching coronavirus from a surface?

      Touching contaminated objects and then infecting them with the germs is usually not a spread of the virus. But it can happen. A number of studies on flu, rhinovirus, coronavirus and other microbes have shown that respiratory diseases, including the new coronavirus, can spread by touching contaminated surfaces, especially in daycare, offices, and hospitals. However, a long chain of events must occur for the disease to spread in this way. The best way to protect yourself against corona viruses – whether on the surface or in close human contact – is still social distancing, washing hands, not touching the face and wearing masks.

    • How does the blood type affect the coronavirus?

      A study by European scientists is the first to document a strong statistical relationship between genetic variations and Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The presence of type A blood was associated with a 50 percent increase in the likelihood that a patient would receive oxygen or require a ventilator, according to the new study.

    • How many people lost their jobs in the US due to a corona virus?

      The unemployment rate fell to 13.3 percent in May, the Ministry of Labor announced on June 5. This was an unexpected improvement in the country’s labor market as attitudes recovered faster than economists expected. Economists had forecast that the unemployment rate would rise to 20 percent after hitting 14.7 percent in April. This was the highest since the government’s official statistics began after World War II. Instead, the unemployment rate fell and employers added 2.5 million jobs after more than 20 million jobs were lost in April.

    • How can I protect myself while flying?

      If air travel is inevitable, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself. Most importantly, wash your hands frequently and stop touching your face. If possible, choose a window seat. A study by Emory University found that during the flu season, the safest place to sit on a plane is a window because people who sit in window seats have less contact with potentially sick people. Disinfect hard surfaces. When you arrive at your seat and your hands are clean, clean the hard surfaces of your seat with disinfectant wipes such as the head and armrests, seat belt buckles, remote control, screen, seat back pocket and storage table. If the seat is hard and not porous or made of leather or leather, you can also wipe it. (Using cloths on upholstered seats can cause the seat to get wet and germs to spread instead of killing them.)

    • What should I do if I feel sick?

      If you have been exposed to the coronavirus or think you have a fever or have fever or symptoms such as coughing or difficulty breathing, call a doctor. They should give you advice on whether you should be tested, how you will be tested, and how to seek medical treatment without infecting or exposing others.

But after the team stumbled to a 4-7 start, the injury mistake struck: Irving’s shoulder let him miss 26 games, and after a short-lived return, he was eliminated for the season. LeVert, the 25-year-old security guard who was seen as a fundamental piece of the future of the nets, missed several weeks because of a right thumb injury. And when he played, he didn’t show the growth that many expected of him.

There was also a drama related to Irving. After losing to the Sixers in January, Irving told reporters that the lack of talent on the squad was “blatant” and that the team needed more parts.

The most shocking story of the season came in March when coach Kenny Atkinson and the team “mutually agreed to split” and Vaughn was appointed interim coach.

Atkinson was in his fourth year as a Nets coach and had a reputation in the league for getting the best out of his team’s players. In the first three years of his coaching career, the net winnings increased every season.

Four days after Atkinson’s resignation, the NBA season was postponed. The Nets last played against the Los Angeles Lakers on March 10: Chandler, Jordan and Dinwiddie all started this game.

Marc Stein contributed to the reporting.


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