Broncos scramble players against COVID-19. Does it really work?

The Denver Broncos social media team posted a video on Monday showing their players, masked and in shirts and shorts, training, going through a disinfection booth that fogged them up.

“Time to work,” the tweet read. “But first, we disinfect.”

As of Thursday afternoon, the video had over five million views. The message elicited an instant reaction, with very doubtful on its viability to be an effective tool in preventing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. But does it really work? Medical experts cast serious doubts.

“While walk-in disinfection booths can give players some peace of mind, the effectiveness of this and other mass disinfection methods against the COVID-19 virus is yet to be substantiated by scientific data, ”Dr. Choukri Ben Mamoun, professor of medicine (infectious disease) and microbial pathogenesis at the Yale School of Medicine wrote to USA TODAY Sports in an email. “It is clear that if a player is contagious when entering the pit, there is a very good chance that he will still be contagious when leaving the pit and will transmit the virus to other players.”


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