Former New York mayor, Napoli scudetto is more than a Super Bowl – Football

(ANSA) – NAPLES, JUNE 01 – “Napoli’s Scudetto victory is much more than a Super Bowl”. Word of the former mayor of New York Bill De Blasio, fan of the team of the president Aurelio De Laurentiis who today, in the headquarters of the Municipality of Naples, received the international award ‘Guido Dorso’. “The Super Bowl is a sporting event for many but there is not the cultural feeling that there is here for football – De Blasio’s words -, with celebrations that have been going on for weeks and colors throughout the city. After the Super Bowl none of this happens. And I mean Forza Napoli.”

On Sunday De Blasio will be at the ‘Maradona’ stadium, to watch the last match of the Serie A championship, which will be followed by the party for the conquest of the title of Italian Champions by Calcio Napoli. “I say that for Naples, after this Scudetto, everything is possible – he added -. In America they say ‘It’s our time’, and this is Naples’ moment. There is great respect for Naples in the world and now it is even more strong. I believe that for the Neapolitans it is important to remember this moment to create energy and opportunities”. “And I think it is a moment of pride – concluded the former mayor of the ‘Big Apple’ – for all of Southern Italy and for the many Italian Americans who will celebrate on Sunday in New York too, because Italian Americans are almost all of southern origin” . (HANDLE).

