They get out of the car with a baseball bat, 4 charged

The car stopped by some young people along via Verdi. And the occupants coming down to confront them, even with a baseball bat. The brawl broke out in the night between Saturday and Sunday a stone’s throw from Piazza Santa Croce. Three Dominican citizens and an Italian, aged between 22 and 25, clashed with a small group of boys in the middle of the street, between blows with a club, kicks and punches.

Florence, is on the ground in the street and is kicked after an argument

by Andrea Vivaldi

In the end, it was 3 of the 4 occupants of the car who went to the emergency room for injuries judged to be curable in a week, while the rival group left before the police arrived.

The fight around two o’clock. It is still unclear whether the two groups had previously clashed: according to the reconstruction of the police station, the 4 were forced to stop precisely because they were surrounded, then they jumped out of the vehicle and started to strike. The confrontation allegedly went on for several minutes, then the other group scattered to avoid trouble with the police.

The fight with bats ends in a stab wound

by Chiarastella Foschini

The police officers, who arrived within minutes, searched the car and seized a baseball bat and a knife, before proceeding with the complaint for a fight and for possession of objects capable of offending. Investigations are now underway to identify the other young people, in particular through the images recorded by the cameras. Checks have also been initiated on access to emergency rooms in subsequent RPEs.


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