Andrea Rodríguez, from the Doryoku Judo Club of Salamanca, bronze in the National Judo Cadet


The Salamanca club attended the meeting with four representatives, two in children, one in cadet and one in senior

Andrea Rodriguez, from the Doryoku Judo Club of Salamanca, has achieved third place in the Spanish Cadet Judo Championship. The Spanish Judo Federation organized in these days an authentic Judo marathon with the Spanish Infant, Cadet, Senior and Katas championships. The Doryoku Club attended with four representatives – two in infantile, one in cadet and one in senior.

The judoka of Doryoku, Andrea Rodríguez managed to get on the podium three years later and achieve a new bronze medal in the cadet category. Four wins out of five fights in a nearly flawless tournament. He only yielded to the Canarian representative who ultimately took first place in the cadet category under 63 kilos.

In the first round, she defeated the Andalusian judoka after an even match. Finally Andrea knew how to find her grip and win the first pulse. The second round against the representative from Madrid, Andrea Rodríguez clearly prevailed in the first sets, achieving the pass to the quarterfinals against one of the favorites: Alba Barreiro (AST). It was a highly contested match in which Andrea achieved victory due to a penalty suffered by the Asturian judoka. Already in the semifinals, Andrea could not with the Canarian representative: Ainoa Salazar, who would finally win the gold medal. In the fight for bronze, Andrea managed to defeat by Ippon (maximum score in Judo) the other Canarian judoka: Leticia Serafín.

Debut of
Marco Sayagués and
Aaron Garcia in the children’s category with very good feelings. The two judokas from Salamanca achieved their first qualification for a Spanish championship after their great performance in the last Ranking of Castilla y León. Aaron had two wins out of four games played, while Marco fell in the first round with no play-offs.

Elena Married He competed in the highest category, in the senior. She achieved the goal of being one of the best 16 judokas in Spain in the category of less than 78 kilos. He unfortunately fell in the first round and had no playoff options. It was his first participation in this new weight class that has yet to be made.

What’s more,
Javier Sanchez and
Joaquin Rodriguez They were at these important appointments. The first of them was developing arbitration work while the second attended as a child coach and cadet for the Castilla y León teams.

As of January 1, a new cycle begins and the category of all judokas is changed. Before that time there are two important championships: on Saturday the Alevín Regional Championship will be held in Valladolid, while on Sunday the Christmas Championship will be organized at the Villares de la Reina Sports Center. At the first of the events, the Doryoku club comes with a score of judokas. In the Christmas championship organized by the Salamanca Judo Delegation, a participation of close to 500 judokas is expected.



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