Greysia Polii – Felix Djimin: Stepfather Says Not Ideal Couple, but…

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A love story Greysia Polii with Felix Djimin teaches us that professional differences are not a barrier to love each other. Greysia Polii, who had been prepared to become a badminton athlete since childhood, had to put aside her personal interests for the sake of achieving achievements.




Sementara Felix Djimin yang berkarier sebagai pengusaha berlian harus memperjuangkan cintanya dengan Greysia Polii. Dia banyak berkorban, menunggu, dan memilih tetap bertahan, meski butuh waktu untuk memahami kalau sangn kekasih yang kini menjadi istrinya bukan miliknya seorang.

Dalam sebuah video pendek yang tayang di Instagram Felix Djimin pada 9 Januari 2021, mereka menceritakan kisah asmara sejak awal bertemu hingga menikah. Dalam unggahan itu, Felix Djimin mengutip pernyataan ayah tiri mereka yang mengatakan kalau keduanya bukanlah pasangan ideal.

“Sungguh menyentuh hati ketika ayah tiri kami berkata, ‘Dengan segala perbedaan dan tantangan, kalian tidak dalam kondisi atau posisi yang ideal ketika melangkah ke dalam hubungan ini. Tetapi karena kalian telah menjadikan Tuhan sebagai fondasi yang kuat, Dia telah mengubah apa yang tidak ideal menjadi ideal. Tuhan itu baik’,” demikian tertulis dalam keterangan video. Melalui video singkat itu, Felix Djimin dan Greysia Polii ingin berbagi semua yang telah mereka lalui.

The stepfather’s statement is true. Felix Djimin claimed to try to understand Greysia Polii, support her to achieve her goals, and was willing to wait up to six years before marrying her on December 23, 2021.

During the trip to love, Felix admitted that he needed time to understand that Greysia Polii was always tired. Meanwhile, they are both busy.

Greysia Polii with husband, Felix Djimin. Photo: Instagram @greysiapolii

Greysia Polii had to focus on training, while Felix was on business. “With very little time and differences in our work, during the run (relationship) it sacrifices a lot of heart and feelings,” said Felix.

Greysia Polii shared the same feeling about their relationship. “This wants to build a more serious relationship, but the communication is lacking,” said Greysia Polii without ignoring how Felix had tried to give her maximum attention, no matter how busy she was always taking her to the airport.

It’s just that they both find it difficult to spend time together. Until one moment Greysia said he was willing if Felix Djimin turned to another woman for his happiness. “I realize this isn’t fair, maybe you can be with the others,” said Greysia while holding Felix’s hand.

At that time both of them thought, then why still maintain this relationship? Felix Djimin spontaneously said, “I think it’s my calling.”

Knowing Felix who sacrificed so much, Greysia Polii didn’t think that she should not be selfish. “Felix had to wait and sacrifice more because he chose someone whose life was not just him, his family, and the people around him,” said Greysia Polii. “I’m not sure if other men can survive.”

Greysia Polii then introspect. “I want to change for him, for our relationship, for the family,” said Greysia.

Felix Djimin said, the key to their relationship was not the difference between him and his wife, which was then interpreted as how to change couple. It’s more about changing yourself. “The most sought after from a life partner is a good person,” said Felix.

What her stepfather said about God uniting them was also agreed by Greysia Polii. According to him, as long as he knows many men, only Felix always invites him to be close to God. “From a man, I’m looking for a man who loves God first,” he said.

This is proven in Felix Djimin. “He must have asked for a prayer together, before the match, every activity begins with a prayer,” said Greysia Polii. “I am very grateful to God for meeting you.”

Also read:
Profile of Greysia Polii’s husband, Felix Djimin, a diamond entrepreneur



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