2024 Summer Camp at Ozieri Tennis Club: Girls Aged 7-14 Can Participate in Multiple Sports Activities!

2024 Summer Camp at Ozieri Tennis Club: Girls Aged 7-14 Can Participate in Multiple Sports Activities!

Girls aged 7 to 14 can participate in the various sporting activities – including tennis, padel, mini basketball, volleyball, badminton and handball.

OZIERI | June 10, 2024. Intelligent, yet another, and interesting new initiative from the Ozieri Tennis Club, which invites those who wish to sign up for the 2024 Summer Camp to practice a whole series of sporting activities including, obviously, tennis, but also padel, mini basketball, volleyball, badminton, handball and other multidisciplinary and recreational-motor activities that will keep the students busy throughout the morning.

The cost of the Summer Camp, which can be attended by girls and boys and boys aged 7 to 14, is 50 euros per week, or 10 euros per day, to which a registration fee of 10 euros must be added. , including membership and insurance.

The typical day of the Camp, whose activities will mainly take place on the courts of the Puppuruju Tennis Club, includes welcoming the participants at 8am, followed by the start of the specific activities, a snack at 10.30am and a restart at 11am. of the activities, at 1.00 pm the end of the same and at 1.30 pm the check out upon returning to their homes.

The start of the Summer Camp is scheduled for next July 1st. Anyone wanting further information and/or registering can call the initiative’s manager-coordinator Valeria on 340 6239950.

On the cover: one of the Puppuruju fields

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2024-06-10 14:49:25
#Summer #Camp #initiative #Ozieri #Tennis #Club


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