Young Judo Champions Shine on Mother’s Day at “Grand Prix” Competition in Velletri

Wonderful satisfaction on Mother’s Day. Last weekend the very young people of the Judo school of the “Magno” gym in Viterbo proved themselves magnificent in the “Grand Prix” competition at the Pala Bandinelli in Velletri. The event – organized by the provincial Csen of Rome – featured Martina Tosti and Samuele Soldati on the podium in their categories. Martina – weighing 52 kg – came second in the 58 kg category – superior for both weight and grade – while Samuele dominated the 27 kg children’s category with an excellent first place. Already last February 18th the gym’s martial arts school had brought home excellent results: these two podiums last Sunday reconfirmed the excellent preparation and performance of the young champions thanks to teacher Maria Mechelli. Compliments also came from all the Magno staff who try in all sectors to bring not only satisfaction in training but in trying to create synergy between all the athletes with a family spirit.


2024-05-16 16:23:46
#young #people #Magno #gym #Viterbo #shine #Velletri #Grand #Prix #competition


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