Worries and Concerns Mount as Roger Federer’s Neighboring Property Faces Development

Roger Federer’s neighboring property is being developed. A neighbor is worried about the trees. Another fears that more celebrities will move into the area.

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Nau.ch/Nico Leuthold – “I think it’s a shame,” says a neighbor about the planned construction project in Rapperswil-Jona SG. To the right are the Federer villas under construction.

the essentials in brief

  • 19 new apartments are to be built on the plot next to Roger Federer’s property.
  • “The whole view of the lake will be gone,” says a neighbor.
  • She also complains about construction noise that occurred during Federer’s construction project.

Roger Federer’s neighbor in Rapperswil-Jona SG has big plans: a total of 19 new apartments are to be built on the plot east of Federer’s, directly on Lake Zurich. In the form of three apartment buildings, two single-family houses and one semi-detached house.

And they will be extremely attractive. The architects Wild-Bär-Heule from Zurich write on their website: “By slightly shifting the building structure, all apartments have a connection to the lake.”

The tennis professional is entitled to object to the project, writes the “Zürichsee-Zeitung”. It is not known whether he will do so. Other neighbors talk to Nau.ch on site about the construction project – and are anything but enthusiastic.

A neighbor who wants to remain anonymous says: “I think it’s a shame – the whole view of the lake will be gone.”

However, she does not see the fact that the new apartments will attract many rich people to the area as a problem. As long as they aren’t celebrities. “If you are very well known like Federer, a lot of people would look. Then something would change.”

Opinion poll

Would you like to move in next to Roger Federer?

Right now, as construction work on the Federer villas (he is building six different houses) is coming to an end, a new project is being planned.

“It took a long time to build for Federer,” says the neighbor. And that wasn’t pleasant for the neighbors. “You heard a lot there, always a bit of noise. It wouldn’t have been necessary.”

97-year-old resident Rita also thinks it’s a “shame” that the plot next to Federer is now being built on. “I also have concerns about the trees,” she says. These are in the immediate vicinity of the construction visors. “I’m afraid the trees will die.”

And: “We just have a little concern. That could be poof, I don’t know.”

Owner wants to preserve tree avenue

However, the property owner made it clear to Nau.ch: An SIA competition was launched for the project, consisting of architects and landscape architects. This is to integrate the project as best as possible. “Also to protect the tree avenue, because it will remain there.”

An information event about the construction project also took place. The owner’s conclusion: “The meeting with the neighborhood was very positive.”

2024-05-16 14:56:00
#Neighbors #annoyed #apartments


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