Williams confirms conversations with Newey

The case surrounding Adrian Newey is starting to take on bigger proportions. Earlier this week it was announced that the top designer will be leaving Red Bull Racing, and several teams are angling for his services. The Williams team is also interested in Newey.

Newey played an important role in the successes of Red Bull Racing. He was behind all of Red Bull’s title-winning cars, so his departure is certainly a major setback for the Austrian racing team. It is therefore not surprising that many teams are interested in his signature. The Italian press is convinced that he is close to a deal with Ferrari, while Aston Martin also seems to be interested.

Just before the first free training in Miami, Williams team boss James Vowles indicated that his team is also in discussions with Newey. The designer already worked for Williams in the 1990s, and Vowles indicates to Motorsport.com that he would like to continue this period of success: “The discussions are still at an early stage. But are we in discussions? Yes.” Vowles states that it will not stop at just one conversation: “I’ve known Adrian for a while and I spoke to him on Friday. I’m pretty sure I’ll have another conversation with him soon. He’s an icon of the sport, there there’s no doubt about it.”

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2024-05-03 18:15:36
#Williams #confirms #conversations #Newey


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