What to do during a flood? – SportOutdoor24

Climate change and extreme natural events are making it increasingly common to know what to do during a flood. Floods are in fact among the main causes of death among natural disasters. This phenomenon, which can vary from a few centimeters of water to floods that completely submerge buildings, occurs when, due to heavy rainfall, the waters of rivers, lakes or drainage systems exceed their containment capacity.

What to do during a flood

Whatever the cause, it is essential to be prepared. Let’s see what preventive actions to take before a flood, how to react during the event and what precautions to take once the rain has stopped, to reduce residual risks.

What to do before a flood to be prepared

Get informed and prepare

Stay updated: information is your first defense tool. Subscribe to local and national weather alert systems to receive timely alerts about impending flood dangers.
Assess the risk: determine if your home is in a risk area by consulting the Civil Protection maps and know your community’s emergency plans.
Have an emergency plan: Make sure you have an emergency plan that includes regular meetings with all members of your family to review routes to safe, high ground.

Prepare an emergency kit: Put together a kit with essential resources such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, medications, and important documents in waterproof containers.
Protect your property: Consider investing in a flood insurance policy, as standard home insurance often excludes such damages.
Adapt your home: seal the foundation to prevent leaks, clean drains, and place sandbags around main entrances.

Preparations immediately before the flood

Stay alert: Listen to constant updates from news channels and weather stations during a flood warning.
Protect your possessions: Make sure outdoor items, such as furniture and toys, are anchored or secured to prevent loss or damage.
Take electrical precautions: unplug sensitive electronics and elevate valuable devices to upper floors or risers.

How to behave during a flood

During the flood warning

Stay calm and informed: follow the guidance of the authorities and stay tuned to the media for the latest updates.
Evacuate if necessary: ​​If authorities order an evacuation, leave the area immediately with only essentials, including pets if possible.
Avoid moving water: do not cross bodies of water on foot or by car. Remember that a few inches of moving water can be very dangerous.

During a flash flood

Seek refuge immediately: Move yourself and your family to higher ground without delay and remain in a safe position until further notice.

How to avoid risks after the flood

Post-event management

Return home with caution: return home only after the authorities have confirmed that it is safe to do so. Make sure there are no risks such as collapses or infrastructure failures.
Inspect and repair: Check your home carefully for damage and immediately report problems such as downed power lines or possible gas leaks.

Following these tips can help you significantly reduce your risks during a flood. Remember, preparation is the key to facing any emergency with confidence.


Mike Horn and the survival instinct

Photo by Chris Gallagher / Phillip Flores / Justin Wilkens


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2024-05-16 08:06:16
#flood #SportOutdoor24


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