Violent Incident at Betplay League Match: Attack on Line Judge Jenny Torres

Betplay League

The assistant had to be treated by the medical staff of the cardinal team.

Attack on line judge Jenny Torres
Photo: Screenshot


Futbolred Editorial

May 12, 2024, 06:42 p.m. m.

A new act of violence occurred in Colombian soccer, after Santa Fe fans threw an object onto the playing field of the Metropolitano de Techo stadium and it ended up hitting the linesman, Jenny Torres, in the face.

After the terrible attack, which apparently was with a coin, Andrés Rojas had to stop the game for a few minutes, as his assistant needed immediate medical attention because he had a small cut near one eye.


The action was rejected by both teams and the Santa Fe players exploded with the fans who were involved in the embarrassing action, with Hugo Rodallega being the one who took that commanding voice to calm the stands.

2024-05-13 00:11:15
#Santa #fans #attacked #line #judge


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