Violence erupts at Mendoza stadium: A look at the aftermath of the match against San Lorenzo

This is how the bathroom at the Mendoza stadium looked after the incidents during the match against San Lorenzo (@Debih_22)

The match between Godoy Cruz and San Lorenzo (1-1) at the Malvinas Argentinas stadium in Mendoza was suspended as a result of serious incidents involving a group of local supporters, with their faces covered, who threw stones and other forceful objects at the stadium. playing field that injured fire personnel.

As a result of the riots, eight were arrested, according to police sources informed Infobae. At the same time, damage was reported inside the club. A video that circulated on social networks shows the poor condition in which the institution’s bathroom was left.

The violent people who marred the meeting would not only have destroyed the urinals to use the pieces as projectiles, but they would also have ripped off the doors to use them as a shield, according to the images that emerged.

Incidents in the Godoy Cruz stands in the duel against San Lorenzo

Meanwhile, the Police are working in the stadium to find evidence that will clarify the facts, detailed the Mendoza newspaper.

Earlier, the two groups that took the San Lorenzo team to the Malvinas Argentinas stadium to play against Godoy Cruz, for the 3rd round of the Professional League, were stoned when they were on their way to the Malvinas Argentinas stadium.

The referee Nazareno Arasa decided to suspend the match 7 minutes into the second half, considering that there were not enough guarantees to ensure the safety of the footballers. During much of the initial stage, the violent people began to throw projectiles at the visiting goalkeeper, Gastón Chila Gómez, and the referee had to momentarily stop the actions while fights broke out in the stands between the Tomba fans who wanted to evict the violent people.

“Is suspended. The guarantees were not given. We exhaust all possible instances that there may be. It is about taking care of the physical integrity of everyone, of the players, of us, of what the show is. We started to hear the gunshots, the head of the operation came and did not give me the guarantees. I think the best and healthiest thing is to have suspended it and then decide when the remaining time will be played,” said Arasa once he made the decision.

For his part, Godoy Cruz’s goalkeeper, Franco Petroli, gave his point of view and regretted what happened: “It’s a shame not to be able to play, not to be able to do what we want so much. The truth is that this doesn’t add up to anything. This is a spectacle, we all come to give each other so that it goes well, so that it turns out to be a nice game, for the people who also come to support and accompany this team. That it ends like this makes it a little sad.”

The player Nahuel Ulariaga, scorer of Godoy Cruz’s goal, also spoke. “I’m very sad. We prepare for the game all week, we make a huge effort and for these things to happen it hurts a lot. There were three stops, we got cold, we felt the cold. We are very hurt, it is a shame that these things happen. “I don’t know why these things happen, but it has to be solved outside the field, not here where they harm us,” said the forward.

2024-05-26 14:28:06
#Godoy #CruzSan #Lorenzo #detainees #incidents #stands


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