Valencia Municipal Sports Foundation Offers 5,688 Summer Sports School Places Along with Swimming Courses for 2024

Valencia Municipal Sports Foundation Offers 5,688 Summer Sports School Places Along with Swimming Courses for 2024

May 20, 2024 • Sports Schools, Press releases, News, Sports news, Course offers

The Municipal Sports Foundation offers 5,688 places in the Summer Sports Schools, which will begin in June, coinciding with the beginning of the school holidays, along with swimming courses in municipal pools

Basketball, badminton, hockey, karate, water polo… 5,688 girls, boys and young people from Valencia will enjoy, starting in June, the Summer Campuses organized by the Municipal Sports Foundation.

The launch of these summer sports schools responds to a double objective. On the one hand, the most obvious, promoting physical activity and healthy habits among the youngest children. On the other hand, help families reconcile during the minors’ vacation period. To this end, the campuses will be open throughout the summer, with long hours and even dining service.

The Summer Sports Schools will be carried out, for the most part, in weekly shifts, during the months of June to September, distributed in a total of 12 municipal facilities, all of them located in the city of Valencia.

Furthermore, in order to reach all families, the Municipal Sports Foundation offers places in the Summer Sports Schools from €20. Likewise, 10% of the total places are subsidized by the Municipal Sports Foundation, in coordination with the Municipal Social Services, and are allocated to girls and boys at risk of social exclusion.

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On the campuses, girls, boys and even adolescents – some allow the registration of minors up to 18 years of age – can continue perfecting what they have worked on during the school year in the Sports Schools. However, the most important thing that can be learned in these spaces transcends the technical and also the recreational. The most valuable teaching has to do with respect, coexistence and effort, sporting values ​​that we try to convey to girls and boys.

Below is the offer for summer 2024, in which you can find very varied and attractive sports activities, as well as contacts and links with the organizers:

  • Multisports Campus Petxina, in the Petxina Cultural Sports and Sports Complex of Turia. Prices: €73 until 2 p.m. / €150 until 5 p.m. (with dining room). 10% discount from the second sibling. Contact: Ciutat Vella Chess Club. [email protected]
  • Triathlon Summer School, in Poliesportiu Natzaret. Prices: €89.90 price per week. Option to leave at 4pm (+€48.50 with dining room). Another option is bus pickup (price according to demand). Contact: Triathlon Federation of the Valencian Community and SDCorrecaminos.
  • Karate Summer Schools, in Poliesportiu Cabanyal–Canyamelar and Benicalap Pavilion. Prices: Pre-sport (€20/month) and Karate (€30/month). Contact: Karate Federation of the Valencian Community. mailto:[email protected].
  • English Summer School, at CEIP Ramiro Jover. Prices: €60 per shift and student / Dining room: €35 per shift and student / Morning School: €10 per shift and student. Discounts for siblings, consult. Contact: Badminton Federation of the Valencian Community. [email protected]. Whatsapp at 676127946.
  • Hockey and Multisport Summer Sports School, in Poliesportiu Verge del Carme-Beteró. Prices: School from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (€90); dining room (€37.50/week) and extended hours from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (€35). There are discounts for siblings. Contact: Hockey Federation of the Valencian Community. [email protected].
  • VI Campus Water Polo Túria, in Poliesportiu Natzaret. Prices: €95 prices per week. Discount for accumulation of weeks. Contact: Turia Valencia Water Polo Club. [email protected].
  • Benimaclet Basketball and Fencing Poliesportiu Summer School, in Poliesportiu Benimaclet. Prices: €84 per student per week. €50/week per student per week with dining room. There are discounts up to €10/week. by brothers, week packs and former participants. Contact: Basketball Federation of the Valencian Community. The Fencing Federation of the Valencian Community collaborates. mailto:[email protected]. 96 346 50 01 / [email protected]. – 637 69 82 53.
  • Beach Volleyball Initiation School, in Valencia Municipal Beach Volleyball Facility on Malva-Rosa Beach. Prices: €40 per shift per student. Contact: Volleyball Federation of the Valencian Community. [email protected]. |
  • Rowing Federation School, in La Marina de Valencia. Prices: €95 per week. Option to enter at 8am (+€10/week). Contact: Rowing Federation of the Valencian Community.

In addition to the above, there are several activities and campuses that will be developed in other municipal sports facilities in the city that are authorized by the Municipal Sports Foundation.

Multisport will be present in the majority of authorized municipal sports facilities, followed by football in both its male and female aspects, with rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming also taking center stage during these school holidays.

Swimming courses and activities

The summer preschool and school swimming courses in the Benimaclet outdoor pool are from Monday to Friday from 6:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. (10 sessions) in June; Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., 6:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. (20 sessions) in July; and Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., 6:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. (20 sessions) in August.

In the El Palmar outdoor pool, they will be from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. (20 sessions) in July and August.

The prices of preschool swimming courses (3 and 4 years) in 20 sessions are €73.25, and in 10 sessions, €52.30, while the prices of school swimming courses (from 5 to 15 years , pensioners, retirees and people with disabilities) in 20 sessions is €52.30 and in 10 sessions, €31.10.

For this summer, an offer of approximately 2,636 places in water activities for, among others, the younger population (preschool swimming and school swimming) has been scheduled, in the following facilities: 1,136 places in Parc de l’Oest, 356 in Benicalap, 258 in Castellar, 552 in Benimaclet, 104 in El Palmar, 60 in Benimàmet and 170 in Nazareth.

The dates of swimming courses in the pools of Benimaclet, Parc Oest, Castellar, Benicalap and El Palmar for this summer are: from the 14th to the 28th (10 sessions) in June, from the 1st to the 26th (20 sessions ) in July and from the 1st to the 29th (20 sessions) in August, except the 15th (holiday).

2024-05-20 07:12:56
#Summer #campus #swimming #courses #option #summer


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