Valencia Basket forces the third game against UCAM Murcia

He Valencia Basketknowing how to resist and being led by Stefan Jovic, Brandon Davies and Jaime Pradilla, won this Wednesday by 72-83 at the Palacio de los Deportes in Murcia and forced the third and final match of the quarterfinal series of the Endesa League against him UCAM Murcia.

It will be played on Saturday at 8:45 p.m. in the Fuente de San Luis pavilion and whoever wins will advance to the semifinals after each team has beaten the opponent at home.

The taronja team, which had already been able to win in the regular phase in Murcia (77-85 after extra time), needed to react after losing 86-96 last Saturday at home.

Another defeat would have meant their elimination and would have given the Murcian team a historic classification since never before has Murcian basketball had a representative in the semifinals in the highest national category, an option that is still there.

The meeting began with alternations and so It went from 8-4 to 10-16 with both teams already scoring their first two triples. Sito Alonso was the first of the technicians to stop it with a timeout after the halfway point of the first quarter after concede your team 0-9 and brought on the French center Yannis Morin, signed due to the injuries of Simon Birgander and Marko Todorovic and who made his debut with the Granas.

Xavi Albert’s men continued attacking successfully against the home team’s 2-3 zone and increased their advantage to 12-23 with Semi Ojeleye and Damien Inglis watching the basket. A basket of Nemanja Radovic left the difference at nine points at the end of that opening quarter in which UCAM CB did not feel comfortable and lost five balls (14-23).

Morin and Radovic, becoming great in both zones, and Troy Caupain, assuming responsibility in attack, led to the reaction of the university team (23-27). However, a time from Albert and three triples – one from Pradilla and two from Jovic – back on the hardwood They fired again at the Taronjas, who reached a new maximum advantage at 30-42.

Era a very tactical matchwith both technicians trying to control even the smallest detail, something logical considering how much was at stake, and the fight was still posed after 20 minutes although with Valencia Basket with better feelings but only seven points ahead (36-43 ). Pradilla and Jovic, with 10 and nine points, led the Valencian offense while Dylan Ennis, with seven, was the home team’s top scorers.

The start of the second half was marked by the suffocating defense of UCAM CB, which led them to achieve an 11-2 partial in three minutes finished off with a triple by Dustin Sleva so that the Murcians regained control (47-45). It was his best moment in the game.

From that moment on, a few minutes of certain precipitation on the part of Sito Alonso’s men Valencia Basket punished them, with a 3-12 in their favor, get ahead again (50-57). The appearance of Jared Harper helped those from the capital of Turia, who entered the last ten minutes with an advantage but only three points (58-61). It was all to be decided.

With Chris Jones on the bench with discomfort in his left ankle and with Davies committing his fourth personal foul, the game became dangerous for the Valencians, although they were still in a position to force a tiebreaker because His rival was denied in attack, especially in the triple (60-67 in the 34th minute). That mistake was especially personal in Jonah Radebaugh, author of 24 points on Saturday at Fonteta and who only made seven, all in the final stretch, in the second game and missed six of his seven attempts from beyond the arc.

Valencia Basket knew how to play the hot moments, took advantage of his opponent’s turnovers – in the end there were 13 and sentenced with Pradilla and Davies hammering (67-79 with two and a half minutes left). The match concluded with the good news for the visitors of their victory but with the bad news of another injury, this one to Inglis’ left knee.


72 – UCAM Murcia (14+22+22+14): Hakanson (5), Ennis (10), Sant-Roos (9), Sleva (12) and Diagne (6) – the starting five – Rodions Kurucs (4), Caupain (5), Radovic (10) and Radebaugh (7). ), Fabian Flowers (-) and Morin (4).

83 – Valencia Basket (23+20+18+22): Jovic (13), López-Arostegui (2), Ojeleye (7), Pradilla (14) and Davies (17) -starting five-, Harper (8), Claver (4), Puerto (2), Anderson (3) , Jones (3) and Inglis (10).

Referees: Miguel Ángel Pérez Pérez, Jordi Aliaga Solé and Joaquín García González. They eliminated the visitor Davies for five fouls (m.39).

Incidences: Second match of the quarter-final tie that was played at the Palacio de los Deportes in Murcia before 7,007 spectators.

2024-05-22 21:29:50
#Valencia #Basket #forces #game #UCAM #Murcia


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