Unraveling the Mystery of Camila Giorgi: The Truth Behind Her Disappearance

Published15. May 2024, 3:01 p.m

Camila Giorgi: That’s why the Italian ex-tennis ace really disappeared

Nobody knows where Camila Giorgi is. Now her lawyers have announced that the disappearance has nothing to do with a possible tax affair.


  • Where is Camila Giorgi? There is no answer to that yet.

  • Now the Italian’s lawyers are speaking out.

  • Nevertheless, the whole story remains a mystery.

First of all: Camila Giorgi remains missing. The mystery surrounding the former tennis ace has no end for the time being. The 32-year-old recently reported on social media, but no one knows where she is.

At least their lawyers have now spoken out. Federico Marini and Cristian Carmelo Nicotra announced that Giorgi’s disappearance had nothing to do with a possible tax affair.

Reasons lie with family

“There was never any intention to evade the investigation or responsibility. Camila will soon return to Italy. The departure from the residence in Calenzano is temporary and is due to differences of opinion within the family and the desire to take a break to reflect,” it said in a statement.

The lawyers also provide an explanation as to why Giorgi so secretly resigned from top-level sport: “It is actually a decision that has been brewing for several months. Since Camila thought about gradually slowing down in her life during Corona, she found it difficult to cope with the renewed stress of competition.

“Grateful for the love”

On Saturday the news made the rounds that Giorgi unexpectedly ended her career – and that she had disappeared. A day later she reported on social media and wrote: “I ask that you follow my Instagram page for truthful information, because so far many fake articles have appeared.” She then confirmed her resignation and wrote to her fans: “I am so grateful for your wonderful love and support over so many years.”

She posted this late Saturday evening.


There were rumors that attributed her disappearance to the prosecutor’s request to indict her for false anti-Covid vaccinations. Others believed that Giorgi and her family were fleeing from the tax authorities because the tennis ace had tax debts. Giorgi collected around six million francs in prize money during her career. Some Italian media reported that she had fled to the USA.

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2024-05-15 13:01:15
#Camila #Giorgi #Italian #disappeared


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