Unlocking the Secrets of Vitamin C: Preventing Cancer and Boosting Health with Exercise

Protect against oxygen radical attacks before exercise… Help with running and walking
Vitamin C plays a major role in neutralizing free radicals and is also effective in preventing cancer.
Multiple cases of terminal cancer cured… Act 2 of the life of ‘Dr. Vitamin C’

Lee Wang-jae, professor emeritus at Seoul National University. Source: Banobagi Wellness Clinic YouTube “Excessive aerobic exercise in the early morning on an empty stomach is not good from an anti-aging perspective.”

Lee Wang-jae, Professor Emeritus of Seoul National University School of Medicine (CEO of Banobagi Wellness Clinic), said in an interview with the Korea Economic Daily on the 10th, “There are several things to keep in mind when office workers use their free time in the early morning to exercise such as swimming, tennis, and badminton.”

Secrets to maintaining blood vessel health in your 20s

First, he said, “The importance of exercise cannot be overemphasized, but it is necessary to mix exercise with running and walking,” and added, “It is not good for your health to exercise vigorously, especially on an empty stomach as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.” He cited the case of a CEO acquaintance whose vascular health was ruined after decades of swimming and running every early morning. He pointed out, “If you exercise hard right after waking up, you can easily get injured, and your body’s blood sugar, antioxidants, and vitamin C are at low levels, so you are defenseless against attacks by free radicals.” He said, “Excessive oxygen radicals harm the health of blood vessels and eventually accelerate the aging of blood vessels.” Just as there are cracks in the road, blood vessels are also damaged by attack by oxygen radicals.

According to Professor Lee, 5% of oxygen, the main medium that keeps us alive and breathing, turns into active oxygen during the process of exercise. Free radicals are necessary for regulating our body’s normal physiological activities, but if they occur in excessive amounts, they harm the health of blood vessels and organs due to their toxicity. His analysis is that the increase in vascular diseases in modern people and the rapid increase in the number of myocardial infarction patients are also due to the effects of free radicals. An appropriate amount of active oxygen can be neutralized to some extent by inducing an antioxidant enzyme called ‘superoxide dismutase (SOD)’ in our body. The problem is when too much oxygen radicals are produced. He said, “Generally, when walking, twice as much active oxygen is generated as usual, when jogging, about four times, and when swimming, about five times more.” He recommended exercising after supplementing with proper nutrition or taking vitamin C rather than exercising early in the morning on an empty stomach.

He also introduced his secret to health by saying that he runs (aerobic exercise) two hours after dinner, around 8 p.m., and walks 20,000 steps every day. He said, “A medical examination showed that although he is currently 70 years old, his vascular age remains at the level of those in his 20s,” adding, “Regular exercise and taking vitamin C had a great influence.”

The effect of excessive oxygen radicals on human aging is

Professor Lee’s analysis is that active oxygen radicals have a significant impact on the overall aging of the human body. He said, “The harmful (active) oxygen theory is a theory that normal cells become aged as they are constantly attacked by harmful (active) oxygen that inevitably occurs during the process of absorbing and utilizing energy sources to maintain life phenomena. “It is a theory of aging that is attracting attention from many scholars.” In particular, “many scholars believe that removing the strong oxidizing power of harmful oxygen can inhibit the aging process to some extent,” he said. “It is recommended to take it,” he said. He argues that the reason major longevity villages around the world are located in high mountain areas is because exposure to active oxygen is relatively low. He emphasized that vitamin C is very helpful in preventing cancer because it destroys one of the immune evasion mechanisms of cancer.

He predicted that it would be difficult for human lifespan to be dramatically extended beyond 120 years. First, he said, “Currently, various gene editing technologies are being developed to extend lifespan, but no one knows what side effects will occur.” He also said, “Hair is known to have an average lifespan of 5 years, but human genes are predetermined to allow hair to grow about 25 times.” He added, “Skin cells also grow from the bottom layer and fall off completely after about 2 years, but human genes do not specify this.” “It is known to repeat about 60 cycles,” he explained.

In addition, he emphasized that genes play a critical role in determining lifespan. He said, “The developmental process that begins with the meeting of egg and sperm differentiates into lineages with countless different functions to form an individual, and the process of growing that individual is carried out in an orderly manner under the control of the corresponding genetic factors. “There is,” he said. At the same time, he said, “Although mouse cells and human cells are completely similar in vitro culture conditions and are difficult to distinguish even under a microscope, there is a big difference in lifespan, about 3 years in mice and 80 years in humans.”

A second life from ‘Vitamin C doctor’ to ‘cancer doctor’

Also known as ‘Dr. Vitamin C,’ he has recently been gaining a reputation as a doctor for cancer. This is because, as many cases of cure for terminal cancer have emerged, patients are flocking from all over the country through word of mouth. He sees eight outpatient visits a day at the hospital he started after retiring from Seoul National University College of Medicine, but the waiting list of patients has been backlogged for more than three months. He was reluctant to go into detail about this. According to the medical community, a patient who suffered from thymoma in 2020 was completely cured after receiving treatment and is leading a normal office life. It was reported that at his recent private 70th birthday party, three recovered terminal cancer patients visited to congratulate him. As the country’s top immunology expert, his long experience is said to have made a significant mark in cancer treatment. He said, “I think that God has trained me to take care of cancer patients at this point in my career as a doctor and professor at Seoul National University College of Medicine, having studied immunology, anatomy, and vitamin C in depth for 38 years.” He served as a professor at Seoul National University School of Medicine for 38 years and served as the Chairman of the Board of the Korean Society of Anatomy and the President of the Korean Society of Immunology. He was also selected as one of the world’s top 100 medical scholars by the International Life Center in England.

Reporter Ahn Dae-gyu [email protected]

2024-05-10 09:55:08
#Professor #Lee #Wangjae #Avoid #extreme #aerobic #exercise #empty #stomach #early #morning


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