University of Valladolid Shines in Spanish University Sports Championship with 17 Medals

The final phases of several disciplines of the Spanish University Sports Championship have already been completed, both team and individual sports, in which the students of the University of Valladolid have won a total of 17 medals, 5 silver and 11 bronze , waiting for the Triathlon final to be held on June 7 and 8 at the Cuenca campus of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, organizer of CEU 2024.

The UVa has participated in these Championships with 125 students who have competed in 16 disciplines, of the 32 in which they could compete, finally achieving medals in ten of them: Cross Country, Horse Riding, Mountain Running, Badminton, Fencing, Karate, Judo, 3×3 Basketball and Taekwondo.

cross country

The Cross Country team of the University of Valladolid, made up of Hugo de Miguel, Rubén Leonardo, David Criado and Pedro Viciosa, won the silver medal in the final held at the beginning of March in the peri-urban park ‘La Pulgosa de Albacete, in which 106 male and 89 female athletes and 35 coaches and delegates from 38 universities in Spain participated.


The student of the Degree in Business Administration, Sara Martínez on the back of her horse Baldwin Mad’Hope, was proclaimed runner-up in the jumping discipline, in the 2024 Spanish University Equestrian Championship, held on April 6 and 7 at the Sports facilities. Camilo José Cela University Club, after completing the course in a time of 41.92, just 32 hundredths away from winning gold.

mountain running

The UVa teams managed to win in this discipline with a triplet of medals, since both the men’s, women’s and mixed teams won the bronze in the final held on April 13 and 14 in the Burgos town of Miranda de Ebro The women’s team was formed by Alejandra López Torrecilla, a Nursing Degree student; Patricia Pérez Martínez, from the Degree in Translation and Interpretation and Alicia Lorenzo Calvo, from the Master in Foreign Trade.

For its part, the men’s team was made up of: Aitor Beriain Pascual and Diego Victorino Lara, students of the Degrees in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and Physiotherapy, respectively, which are taught at the Soria Campus; and by Adrián Robles Postigo, from the Degree in Engineering in Industrial and Automatic Electronics.

Competing in the mixed team: Alejandra López Torrecilla, Alicia Lorenzo Calvo, Aitor Beriain Pascual and Diego Victorino Lara.


The Badminton teams replicated the results of the Mountain Running teams, with the members of the UVa team winning bronze medals in the final held at the headquarters of the European University of the Atlantic in Santander, from April 23 to 26. In the women’s doubles category: Cristina Rivera and Clara Campos, students of Economics and Nursing, respectively. Male double: Javier González, PhD student in Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Rodrigo Velázquez, PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. And Mixed Doubles, those already mentioned, Rodrigo Velázquez and Clara Campos.


It has been the discipline in which the UVa has won the greatest number of medals, four in total, in the CDU Fencing held on April 24 and 26 in Cuenca, where they competed in the foil, saber and epee modalities, in male and female category; as well as men’s teams in epee. Finally, the Primary Education student, Aleix Jiménez, who along with the rest of the members of the UVa team: Daniel Frutos, from the Degree in Optics and Optometry, emerged as runners-up in Spain in the men’s Sword modality; and Marcos Gutiérrez and Diego Manuel Rodríguez, both from Primary Education, won the silver medal in the same modality.

For their part, students Jimena Buenadicha of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and Diego Manuel Rodríguez, of Primary Education, won the bronze medal in Women’s Saber and Men’s Sword.


Sara Atienza Casero, a Law Degree student, won a bronze medal in the women’s Kumite >68kg modality in the CDU karate final held on May 3 and 4 in Albacete.


The UVa athletes traveled to Jaca (Huesca) to compete in the final of the CDU Judo held on May 10 and 11, where finally the student of the Degree in Engineering in Industrial Organization, Miguel Hernández Magdaleno, was runner-up in the Men’s 100 category. kg.


Coinciding with the CDU of Judo, the University Swimming Championships were held in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), in which the UVa swimmer and student of the Degree in Physics, Carlota Urizarna, won bronze in the breaststroke in the distance of 200 meters.


The round closes with Taekwondo, a sport in which Paula Morán, a student of the Degree in Early Childhood Education at the Segovia Campus, won a bronze medal in the Senior female category.

2024-05-22 18:58:46
#Soria #Campus #adds #medals #UVa #National #University #Sports #Championship


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