University of Concepción Women’s Basketball Team Dominates Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción Sports Club

Catalina Valenzuela, Vania Vega, Bárbara Cousiño, Myriam Lara and Stephanie Madden. That was the quintet that the coach of the University of Concepción, Patricio Fernández, sent to the field. In front was the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción Sports Club and at stake was a new date for the National Women’s Basketball League.

Two possessions per side without success. The first points of the game were through free throws by Madden, after a foul by former UdeC, Francisca Rocha. An excellent personal action by Bárbara Torres evened the score. The players of both teams were very imprecise in their throws. A triple by Josefa Catalán put the visitors ahead 7-6.

The most applauded play of the first quarter came from Vega, who scored two plus one by entering the paint like an arrow. Lara and Rocha exchanged baskets and the locals were still ahead by two. Lara and Cousiño in a couple of seconds tipped the balance to 15-9, the latter scoring after a quick counterattack led by Vega.

03:54 on the clock and Rocha committed his second foul, prompting the visiting bench to call for its first minute of the game. Campanil’s rebounding power gave them second and third chances. Campanil’s first triple came thanks to Cousiño and the score was 23-12.

The students Carla Torres and Estefanía Astudillo entered the field for Valenzuela and Lara. A triple from the entered Torres closed the first quarter. The locals were up 28-17, with Lara, Cousiño and Madden adding 21 of the 28 points for the University of Concepción.

23 points and 18 rebounds were the contribution of North American Stephanie Madden / Credit: Carlos Ávalos Jiménez

Triples all net by Vega and Cousiño to start the second quarter. Cousino again! Uncovered, the Chilean team is lethal. The UdeC is pure triples. Torres with his second and the difference in the score increased. 40-17 at the House of Sports.

Despite a visitor discount from the line, UdeC only added three-pointers in the second quarter. The fifth of them was from Vega. The first local double was from Astudillo. The second was from Madden and once again the visiting bench stopped the game with 47-18 down.

Great robbery by Torres, who assisted Madden and she completed the old-fashioned triple. First minutes for captain Yenicel Torres, who entered for Cousiño. Tiare Domínguez still entered to allow Vega to rest. Madden, with a rebound and conversion, equaled Cousiño as the top scorers of the game with 13 points. 53-26 went into halftime.

Madden without counterweight

Bárbara Torres with the first basket of the second half. Separate duel between Lara and Francisca Ferrada. Valenzuela with a free kick marked the first unit for the locals in the second half. With a double mark on her, the Mexican Lara could not fail. Immediately afterwards, a technical foul against the UdeC bank, which rightly claimed an infraction against Cousiño.

Madden against the table and Vega with two free kicks took the UdeC to 60 points. Quick counter with a pass from Vega, assist from Valenzuela and conversion from Madden. The gallery had an entertaining duel on both sides and the game became rough.

Carla Torres celebrating. The UdeC student contributed 9 points coming from the bench / Credit: Carlos Ávalos Jiménez

67-33 and a new minute requested at the Casa del Deporte arrived. The visit also had its own thing. Despite an incessant full-court chase, CD Ucsc managed to rotate the ball and find Torres uncovered, who nailed the missile to reach 13 points in her personal tally, at that point, the top scorer on her team .

Madden scored against the board with two consecutive offensive rebounds. Cousiño’s assistance for Madden was very good, and he did not forgive. On the last local possession, Cousiño headed towards the hoop alone and was fouled. The Chilean team is automatic. Two more for UdeC to reach 75 and projected 100. Against the buzzer, the excellent left-handed Bárbara Torres nailed a new triple. 75-46 ended the third quarter.

CD Ucsc opened the final quarter with a triple. With two consecutive baskets, Cousiño went on to lead the individual scoring with 23 points. With a 30-point difference, 84-54, the local bank did not leave any detail to chance and planned the almost six minutes of play that remained through a requested minute.

Despite his four personal fouls, Vega did not hide and continued adding. With a free he reached 13 units. Entered Sofía Hernández nailed a triple after an offensive rebound and assist from Astudillo. Paulina Petersen on the court instead of Vega. Madden with two frees equaled Cousiño’s 23 points and gave her place to Matilda Román.

Two free kicks from Hernández, one more from Astudillo and the score did not move any further. The locals won 95-59, whose most valuable player was Stephanie Madden, who scored 23 points and pulled down 18 rebounds. Campanil’s next match will be against the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco.

2024-05-23 00:12:15
#Universidad #Concepción #won #regional #basketball #classic #authority #Ucsc


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