Union Coach Alexander Blessin Proud of Season Despite Fate Being Out of Their Hands

Union Coach Alexander Blessin Proud of Season Despite Fate Being Out of Their Hands

Their fate is no longer in their own hands, but Union has not given up hope for the double. Whatever the outcome, coach Alexander Blessin is proud of the season of the people of Brussels. “These play-offs won’t change my mind.”

“There are more people and cameras than usual. Is something maybe happening?”

Union coach Alexander Blessin opened his last press conference of the season with a quip. The fact that his club still has a chance to be crowned champions generated a lot of press attention.

The scenario is clear: if Club Brugge still loses on the final matchday against city rivals Cercle, Union can still grab the title.

An important condition: they must also win at home against Genk. The Limburgers gave Union a bad start on the opening day of the play-offs. “That was a bad feeling to start with,” coach Alexander Blessin reflects.

“Now we still have something to win in the last match, so it will be interesting. We focus on our own match, because that is the only thing we can decide on. The rest will come as it comes.”

Blessin will therefore not be keeping a frantic eye on the score in Bruges. “I can’t forbid anyone from being on the bench, but I don’t have my mobile phone with me during a match. I will be fully focused on our match.”

Whether we finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd, I will always say it was a great season.

Alexander Blessin

Last week, Blessin played the Champions League anthem during lunch to motivate his players for the match against Cercle. What trick did he have up his sleeve for the final match against Genk?

“Nothing,” Blessin laughed. “Everyone knows what chance we have. Everyone should be able to look in the mirror after the match and say: I did everything I could. We do not have the outcome in our own hands.”

Blessin knows well that the chance of the double is small. “Club Brugge has an 86 percent chance, we have 10 percent and Anderlecht 4 percent. We still have a chance and we will try to seize it.”

Whatever it turns out to be, Blessin won’t be disappointed. “We have had a great season. I am very proud of my team and their performance. Whether we finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd, I will always say it was a great season. The play-offs will never stop me change your mind.”

“If you came to me before the season and said we would win a trophy and finish 2nd in the standings, I would have signed for it. That’s incredibly good. But there is still hope that something more can happen. “

Will Blessin stay?

Other clubs will also have seen that Alexander Blessin has done a strong job at Union. Does his future still lie in Brussels next season?

“I still have a contract here and I have no reason to leave at the moment,” Blessin said. “I am very happy to be the coach of this fantastic club.”

“Of course, in football you don’t know anything for sure. But there has to be a very big proposal to take me away from here. I’m not thinking about it now, because I am very happy here.”


2024-05-24 12:23:11
#Blessin #clings #percent #hope #title #Union #seize #opportunity


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