Uncertain Future for Club Brugge’s Igor Thiago After Injury Mishap

Bad luck for Club Brugge and Igor Thiago. The Brazilian striker of blue and black was left in tears after an unfortunate collision with Antonio Nusa. After a big impact, Thiago’s leg got stuck in the grass. Will his play-offs be over soon?

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There is no certainty about the seriousness of Thiago’s situation. However, his injury was already a topic of discussion in Extra Time.

“It’s a terrible moment in a playful second half,” opens Filip Joos.

Gunther Schepens finds the reaction of the strong Club striker particularly striking. “If such a bear starts crying, there is more to it, I think.”

β€œIt is comparable to Hernandez in Dortmund,” notes Gert Verheyen. “That was also a collision with a teammate. At the time I thought it could never be a cruciate ligament injury, but it was.”

Is the fear of a serious injury justified? “I don’t think it will be his cruciate ligament,” said Nicky Hayen at the press conference after the match. “It didn’t look good at the time, but now all we can do is wait.”

The medical examinations will provide clarity in the coming days.


2024-05-13 21:27:33
#Major #loss #Club #Brugge #Thiago #tears #heavy #collision #teammate #Nusa


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