Ulassai Festival 2024 in Sardinia: let’s go!

Ulassai Festival 2024 in Sardinia: let’s go!

From climbing to slacklining, from mountain biking to trekking, to cinema and food and wine. All this, and much more, is theUlassai Festival 2024the event of which Sportoutdoor24 is a partnerin program from 31 May to 2 June 2024 in Ulassai, Sardinia.

The wonderful landscape and naturalistic setting of the location located in the Province of Nuorowhich represents a flagship for the whole of Sardinia, will also reserve an important space for the artistic component, thus becoming a natural and cultural reference point for the whole weekend. In fact, on Sunday 2 June, the first Biennial of Contemporary Art dedicated to Maria Lai, a renowned artist originally from Ulassai who passed away in 2013, will be inaugurated.

Ulassai Festival 2024 in Sardinia: let’s go!

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps, which is celebrated this year, atUlassai Festival 2024 technicians from the Sardinia regional service will also be present with the national stand, where it will be possible to learn about all the equipment used in mountain rescues, the technologies of the Mobile Coordination Center used for the search for missing persons and how the operations center manages rescue calls via the Georesq app.

For the little ones, on Saturday and Sunday mornings it will be possible to try their hand at being the little rescuer with team activities, such as assembling the stretcher, correctly preparing the backpack and how to plan an excursion.

Ulassai festival 2024 – the updated program


The opening ceremony, scheduled for 6.00 pm, it will take place in the presence of Luigi Deidda, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Ulassai, and the climber Alessandro Zeni. To enrich the evening’s program there will also be the bike show hosted by Davide Riffaldi, international trial bike champion, in which he himself will perform acrobatic maneuvers with his bicycle and will involve the public in trying to ride a Reverse Bike.
The film club will follow, with the screening of the film “Beyond the Wall”, and the trickline show in Piazza Barigau. After which the climber Alessandro Zeni will return to the scene to take part in a talk session with the presentation and screening of the film “Eternit”. The film retraces the feat of the Trentino athlete who was able to complete one of the hardest slab throws in the world.

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The day will start in the morning, with several choices for the participants, which include percorsi di trekking, parkour, yoga, pilates, mountain bike, in an authentic ‘celebration’ of outdoor physical activity. The protagonist of the event will then be climbing, which will be accompanied by the possibility of walking along an adrenaline-filled highline positioned at a height of 150 metres and with a development of 500 meters in length.

By virtue of the collaboration with Slow Food, there will also be space for valorisation of local food and wine excellences, through the market with typical products from the Ulassai area and all of Sardinia, as well as workshops, show cooking, practical demonstrations and a dinner which will be a culinary experience in harmony with the local traditions.

In the evening, the cinema will return to tell the story of the vertical world with the screening of a series of short films. In particular, the presentation of “Still Alive”the documentary film focused on the life of Klaas Willems, Belgian climber suffering from cystic fibrosis since childhood and driven by an unbridled passion for climbing. Willems, resident for years in the Sardinian municipality located in the heart of Blue Zonewill be present at the screening of the film and on the following day will also hold a workshop entirely dedicated to climbing.

In closing, the DJ set in Piazza Barigau will accompany those present until late at night.

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During the morning of June 2nd, information workshops on various disciplines and outdoor sporting activities will continue.

Sunday will also be enriched by the inauguration ceremony of the first one “Maria Lai” Contemporary Art Biennial – Project and Destiny. The works of the 23 protagonist artists will remain on display until 6 October 2024 in the two museums in the country, the Stazione dell’Arte and the CAMUC – Casa Museo Cannas. Both events are part of the NextGenerationEU-M1C3-Linea A PNRR – Progetto Borghi programme, funded by the European Union, which saw Ulassai win in 2022.
The Borghi project aims to strengthen and enhance the strong identity traits of Ulassai over time: uncontaminated nature, outdoor sports and art which, thanks to the legacy of Maria Lai, is transformed, occupies new spaces and welcomes new artists. A project that will accompany the village until 2026, with demonstrations and events that will further enrich the community and the territory, promoting its development.

The 2024 edition of the Ulassai Festival will end between 1pm and 2pm, with thanks and farewells, which will be accompanied by a spectacular trick show on the slackline.

The Ulassai Festival 2024, promoted by the municipal administration of Ulassai (NU), is organized by the Mate communication agency and is part of the “ULASSAI: where nature meets art” project, financed under the national recovery and resilience (PNRR).
All initiatives will be carried out in collaboration with various organizations and local sports associations linked to climbing and outdoor activities present in Ulassai.

The event is supported by E9, Explore Climbing, Karpos, ITACA The Outdoor Community, SKALO, Slow Food, Spider Slacklines and by Media Partner of SportOutdoor24.


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2024-05-27 12:22:38
#Ulassai #Festival #Sardinia #lets


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