Udinese: Cannavaro ‘no calculations, destiny is in our hands’ – Football

Udinese: Cannavaro ‘no calculations, destiny is in our hands’ – Football

“We don’t have to make calculations on the others, but we have to be aware of our destiny, which is in our hands. We have to get the best possible out of these three matches. In Lecce we don’t have to win necessarily, but do things well to collect the fruits of our work. Four victories in 35 games are few, we must improve in all the statistics. The mentality is fundamental, the boys must understand that they are a good team that can compete with anyone with their own weapons.” Fabio Cannavaro said this while presenting Udinese’s away match on Monday evening at a press conference. A match which, after Frosinone’s home defeat against Inter, could have a different value for the home team: if Empoli and Sassuolo don’t win tomorrow, the Salento players would be safe before even taking the field, given that in the last two days there are direct clashes between all the competing opponents.

The coach also spoke about the individuals: “Captain Pereyra underwent physiotherapy this week and tomorrow I will see him on the pitch in the finishing phase and I will decide together with the medical staff whether to start him or bring him to the bench. In attack, Brenner, Success and Davis do not have 90 minutes and we need to understand how to manage them. Since I arrived, we have always tried to use three attacking players because Samardzic is more suited to the attacking phase. We will have to be more balanced, because the games can change in the 90 minutes and we will have to be good at understand the moments. It’s true that they don’t concede many goals, but we have to be ready to open their door.”

Regarding the frenzy in some key plays, Cannavaro assured by recalling that “we are trying to reduce errors and the bar is high. I see great participation from everyone and when those who come in do well it’s a good sign”.

“The goal scored in the last minutes against Napoli allowed us to work with enthusiasm – recalled the Udinese coach -, with desire, now we have to immerse ourselves again in the reality which talks about a match in a full stadium, where they will want celebrate an important year, we hope to be able to partially ruin the party.”

Final on Lucca: after being called up to the national team he lost his luster. “He is a young boy, he has been responsible for Udinese’s attack all year, if we leave him alone, throwing the balls to him and thinking that he will solve matches, we are wrong. These are team concepts.”

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2024-05-11 13:29:41
#Udinese #Cannavaro #calculations #destiny #hands #Football


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