UAEMex Shines with 10 Medals at 2024 National Universiade

UAEMex Shines with 10 Medals at 2024 National Universiade

The harvest of medals by the delegation of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMex) continues within the 2024 National Universiade, in Aguascalientes, by achieving, this weekend, a total of 10 medals in the disciplines of boxing (7), judo (2) and archery (1).

UAEMex medalists. /PHOTOS: Specials

The university boxing representative achieved the highest number of medals, by hanging one gold medal, two silver and four bronze. The Mexican Autonomous coach, Simón Reyes, said he was satisfied with this result.

The pugilist Oscar Gabriel Palma Castañeda won the gold metal in the 91 kilo category; while the silver medals went to Isabel Jimenez Ramirezwithin 57 kilograms, and Carmit of the Angels Herrera Lopezat 69 kilograms.

The bronze went to Isis Kendra Sanchez Laraat 75 kilograms; Brayan Maximiliano Medina Sánchez Suárezwithin 52 kilograms; Aldo Vargas Domínguezat 63 kilograms, and Daniel Alcantara Lopezat 69 kilograms.

«All the credit goes to the boys. They worked very hard to see their efforts reflected in this universiade, with obtaining the medal,” said the UAEMex coach, Simón Reyes.

In archeryin the recurve bow modality, the athlete María Rebeca Sánchez Vega won the silver medal. With this result, the student from the Faculty of Chemistry sees all her effort and work during her training crystallized.

UAEMex university medalists. /PHOTOS: Specials

The coach of this discipline, Felipe Cuadros, celebrated this result, a product of the concentration and focus of the university student.

Finally, within the discipline of judothe athlete Samantha Carmona Iribe He won the bronze medal in the +78 kilograms. The student from the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences said she was happy with this result.

Likewise, in judo, men’s team modality, the group made up of young Juan Guadarramafrom the Faculty of Humanities; Antonio Huertafrom the Tianguistenco Professional Academic Unit and Alejandro Gutierrezfrom the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, won a bronze medal.

UAEMex university medalists. /PHOTOS: Specials

The coach of the Mexican Autonomous judo discipline, Carlos Alberto García Montes de Oca, explained that these results left him with a good taste in his mouth.

It is worth mentioning that the first medal that fell in Aguascalientes was from women’s association football representative of the UAEMexwhich won a bronze medal by beating the team from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) by 3 goals to 0.

2024-05-20 21:37:18
#UAEMex #athletes #add #medals #National #Universiade


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