“Trial is not over,” says AMLO after the ICJ rejects Mexico’s request against Ecuador – El Sol de México

“They are precautionary measures, the trial is not over yet,” said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador about the rejection of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of the measures requested by Mexico against Ecuador, for the assault on its embassy in Quito last year. April 5 for the capture of former vice president Jorge Glas.

This Thursday, in his morning conference from the National Palace, the president recalled that Mexico “requested in the precautionary measures that the embassy be protected” and added that the allegation “will take time.”

Likewise, he stressed that his government is not seeking dialogue “with those who did not respect the sovereignty of our country.”

He also considered that the complaint will be resolved by the ICJ and will be resolved there.

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This Thursday, the ICJ determined that it will not proceed with the request for provisional measures presented by Mexico against Ecuador after the assault on the Mexican embassy in Quito in April and indicated that “there is no serious and irreparable risk” against International Law.

2024-05-23 16:36:08
#Trial #AMLO #ICJ #rejects #Mexicos #request #Ecuador #Sol #México


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