Travel Back in Time with Nintendo Switch Online: Classic Game Boy Titles Added to the Catalog

Want a leap into the past in the era of Game Boy? You can do this with the new titles now available on the service Nintendo Switch Online (purchasable from GameStop, at this link)! These are three great classics published in the little girl’s early years portable console of Nintendo, among which we also find the legendary Super Mario Land! Super Mario Land is the very first platform paperback dedicated to the famous Nintendo hero, and represents a variation on the classic theme as it combines different gameplays – even the shooter! Original and unforgettable, it still remains a much-loved game. (GameSoul)

The news reported in other newspapers

For the occasion, the Japanese company has decided to give a gift to its subscribed users Nintendo Switch Online. 3 new free games have been added to the catalog of the subscription service, to be precise the titles that were available with the launch of the console. (SmartWorld)

This new game series includes the platform Super Mario Landthe game similar to Breakout Alleyway, and the sports game Baseball. All three of these titles were originally released in 1989 and were chosen to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Game Boy (Nintendo On)

Nintendo Switch Online: Super Mario Land and other free classic games added to the catalog

An anniversary that the Kyoto company has not forgotten at all and which it has decided to celebrate with a very special gift for fans who subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online (you can find it on Amazon). Actually, three gifts. (

So let’s see the list of games in question, all for Game Boy and all available starting today, May 15, 2024, for subscribers to Nintendo Switch Onlinethe basic package: Nintendo Switch Online today gets three more classic games within the catalog of free titles for subscribers to the service, and these are additions all dedicated to Game Boy, with three titles that have made the history of portable console of the house in Kyoto, more or less. (

2024-05-15 15:46:08
#Super #Mario #Land #Alleyway #Baseball #fppi


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