Transform the way you climb, if you are just starting out in this sport

It is no coincidence that climbing is gaining more popularity day by day, nor that the number of climbing walls in our country is growing unstoppably. because theclimbingbeyond being a sport, is A lifestyle which makes life happier and healthier for those who practice it. It promotes such essential values ​​as camaraderie, tolerance, friendship, and despite being an individual sport, it also nurtures team spirit.

If you start climbing, congratulations on the decision:

However, to start climbing with safety and determination it is essential to take into account some aspects, especially if you want to enjoy your experience to the fullest in this new adventure. With a solid foundation, you’ll feel your progress and put your best skills into practice. Follow these advices and get over yourself.

1. Seek the guidance of an expert. Having a professional coach to teach you what to focus on when climbing will definitely make a difference. First of all, thanks to their recommendations, you will succeed right from the start move more effectively and you will be able to solve your climbs with more skill. You’d be surprised how many people have improved their level significantly with the right directions and the proper training method.

Seconds Joaquín García-Bouza, degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and with more than 20 years as a professional climbing coach: “Climbing encompasses many different worlds. It is essential that someone with experience is there to introduce you, to understand what profiles you have and what type of climbing suits you best“. And it is that, currently there is different types of climbing such as sport climbing, bouldering, classic climbing, ice climbing, dry tooling, speed climbing…, and you can practice in the natural environment oh if centres ‘indoor’ , where all elements are controlled. This last option is particularly beneficial for those who are just starting out, because makes getting started easier.

2. Choose your equipment correctly. “If you have chosen to climb on a climbing wall or rock, it will be essential to get cat feet, which are the specific footwear for climbing. These should be snug, but tighten a bit (without hurting) to increase accuracy. If you opt for sport climbing, the use of a harness, rope, and other safety materials will be necessary, although this will come as you gain experience. As you get into this sport, you will need more tools and accessories such as magnesium to prevent excessive sweating, brushes to clean grips, specific hand creams, etc.”, Joaquin points out. On the other hand, you should know that most of the climbing walls have climbing equipment for rent; from cat feet to harnesses and other safety features. In fact, in many centers you will find that you can use magnesium for free. And just like the expert coach says, after a while, it’s normal for you to be interested in having your own team.

Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothes that give you freedom of movement.

Climber covering his hands in magnesium powder / Shutterstock

3. Follow the safety measures. Joaquín underlines: “The emergence of commercial climbing walls has democratized climbing and now more than ever we must pay attention to safety. In this sense, you should know that climbing is considered a risky activity and therefore has some safety measures. In this regard, I will always recommend beginners to sign up for a quality introductory course and follow the instructions to the letter. Most accidents happen due to distractions or lack of knowledge of the regulations”.

Having said that, it is very important to know and follow the rules established by each climbing wall. Remember that these rules are there for minimize risks and, therefore, for protect climbers from possible accidents.

4. Technique will be your great ally. Climbing, like the rest of the sports, has a fundamental technical component. Joaquín García-Bouza comments that “if you have decided to put on cat’s feet and you don’t know where to start, I would tell you to start with a very simple exercise that consists of trying to step on the grips with the heels raised to impact on the tip of the feet – cat’s feet are designed to work on the tip of the feet, especially towards the big toe. Also, try to bring your knees out, as it’s easy to balance like a frog in the early stages. If you can also stretch your arms, your body will separate from the wall and you will be able to have more space of vision and be less overwhelmed”.

Have one qualified coach to teach you technique, it will improve your skills significantly. This is also emphasized by Joaquín: “Currently, we can see, especially on social networks, that much of the importance is being given to the physical part. It is essential to take technical lessons with an expert, either in the early stages or in high performance. This is done in the rest of the sports, moreover, there are sports in which it is not conceived in any other way; see tennis, athletics, skiing, basketball, etc.”

Each person will need a certain amount of time to assimilate and be able to apply the climbing technique. But once internalized, your climbing will improve exponentially and it will show in the way you move. And when that moment arrives, get ready to enjoy this sport in every way.

5. You remain optimistic. If you start a climbing route thinking you’re going to fail, chances are you will. Try to get away from pessimism and negativity, and don’t get in the way before you start. Believe that you can handle everything until proven otherwise. Because in this way, you will multiply your successes and satisfaction.

2024-05-16 16:22:26
#Transform #climb #starting #sport


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