Traiskirchen Grasshoppers Rally for Derby Victory in Baseball Bundesliga

Traiskirchen Grasshoppers – Wr. Neustadt Diving Ducks 6:3.In the evening game of the Baseball Bundesliga, the Traiskirchen Grasshoppers celebrated a 6:3 derby victory against champions Diving Ducks Wiener Neustadt on Friday. The outstanding man for the guests was once again pitcher Tyson McKee, who sent 14 batters back into the dugout in seven innings.

At the beginning of the floodlit spectacle at the ten-man belt, it didn’t look at all as if it could be Tyson McKee’s evening. The Grasshoppers starter suffered a triple from Max Tracey and a double from Moritz Scheicher in the first inning. It was also the two Ducks players who circled the bases and gave the hosts a 2-0 lead.

Then it was the Traiskirchen team’s offense that got going. Of all people, McKee himself was the guests’ first baserunner after a tough start on the mound after his double. After singles from Niklas Fröhlich and Markus Trimmel, the pitcher put his team on the scoreboard with his run. Tobias Werner then took care of the equalizer, bringing Trimmel home with his RBI double – 2:2.

McKee is getting going

Afterwards, McKee also got going. The 22-year-old recorded three strikeouts on 13 pitches in the second inning against Julian Faulhaber, Jonas Kreska and Moritz Astner and did not allow a baserunner. In the third and fourth innings, McKee struggled again, but tagged two of the Ducks’ baserunners in each case with two outs the decisive strikeout. In this phase, only Melvin Perdue – after Tracey’s RBI – recorded a run, which, however, also made it 3-2 for the home team. As a result, the Ducks only managed one more hit against the Hoppers starter. McKee toyed with the strike zone, staying on the mound for 7.0 innings and ultimately recording a season-high 14 strikeouts – with just six hits, three earned runs and two walks.

The fact that the Australian was statistically able to secure his fourth win of the season was also thanks to his offense. In the sixth and seventh innings, the Grasshoppers put four points on the scoreboard. Alexander Schiller stood out with a solo home run and an RBI single. In the end, the Grasshoppers won 6-3 away and moved a little closer to the top 4 in the table with four wins and five defeats. McKee was the winning pitcher in all of his team’s wins.

Wr. Neustadt Diving Ducks – Traiskirchen Grasshoppers 7:4. The next day, the Wiener Neustadt Diving Ducks took revenge for the defeat against the Grasshoppers and won 7:4 in Traiskirchen. Led by solid pitching, the reigning champions not only equalized the weekend series, but also made it 2-2 in the season head-to-head.

“A big compliment to the two groundscrews!” Grasshoppers chairman Peter Feichtinger said on Saturday afternoon what baseball fans in Wiener Neustadt and Traiskirchen had been thinking in the last 24 hours. The helpers at Ducksfield and Hoppersfield made the perfect surface possible despite heavy rain in the run-up to the two-day series between the Ducks and Grasshoppers games. The teams thanked us with two high-class and exciting games.

Pitching trio takes over McGarry’s part

Without pitching ace Eoghan McGarry, who was unavailable due to illness, Klaus Scheicher (4.2 innings), Vitus Gneist (3.1) and closer Alexander Kienberger (1.0) took over on the mound – and the trio did well.

The Grasshoppers only managed six hits that afternoon. Nevertheless, the hosts were once again in the running for the win for a long time. The first two hits were on the scoreboard in the eventful second inning, in which the Hoppers scored two runs thanks to an error, a walk and RBIs by Niklas Fröhlich and Tobias Werner. This put the Traiskirchen team in the lead 2-1. Max Tracey had previously put Neustadt 1-0 ahead after a single by Elias Kreska.

In the third period it was the Ducks’ turn again. Henry Leabourn came to bat with bases loaded and one out and singled to make it 2-2. Melvin Perdue then “sacrificed” himself – his fly out became a run for Elias Kreska – and then Moritz Scheicher benefited from an error, so that Wiener Neustadt was 4-2 ahead.

The Hoppers’ answer didn’t take long to arrive: Two runs were scored again in the fourth inning – Markus Trimmel and Kyle Ashby (one RBI each) as well as McKee and Fröhlich (one run each) made it 4:4.

Ducks took off

In the second half of the game, the Ducks defense got the Traiskich offense under control. They also scored the decisive scores in their own attack. In the fifth inning, Perdue hit a solo home run to give the reigning champions the lead again, which they held until the end. The Neustadt team also put a run on the scoreboard in the sixth and ninth innings and ultimately deservedly won 7:4.

The Traiskirchen Grasshoppers were still able to look back on a good series. Like against the Blue Bats, the Indians and in the first double of the season against the Ducks, a split was achieved again.

2024-05-20 21:04:52
#Baseball #McKee #sank #Ducks


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