Top Match between Bonn and Hamburg in 1st Bundesliga North / Cologne and Dohren Battle for Fourth Place

North: Top match between Hamburg and Bonn / Cologne and Dohren fight for fourth place

The direct duel between the Bonn Capitals and the Hamburg Stealers is one-on-one in the current season (Photo: Christine Johannsen)

After the international break, the 1st Bundesliga North has a treat in store. For the second time this year, the Bonn Capitals and the Hamburg Stealers will meet in a duel. This time, the Bonn Rheinaue is the venue for the top games. The two opponents will face off on Saturday (5 p.m.) and Sunday (12 p.m.). The Cologne Cardinals and the Dohren Wild Farmers will play a doubleheader on Saturday (from 1 p.m.). The focus here is on the race for the fourth playoff spot.

Bonn wants to further polish up its good home record

Spectators in Hamburg experienced two high-class encounters on April 13th and 14th. Each game was decided by one run. Bonn won one game and the home team won one. Since then, the Capitals have secured two double wins and two splits. The Rhinelanders have only lost at home against Paderborn this season. The Caps have given their home fans five wins. The pitcher duo Markus Solbach and Niklas Rimmel in particular are always a source of joy for the two-time champions.

Hamburger mix makes it

As is well known, the Hamburg Stealers have their very own ace up their sleeve. Yasutomo Kubo no longer surprises anyone when the Japanese shoots well past the 100 pitch mark. But the 2000 champion is more than just Kubo. The new additions Quin Cotton and Ryuta Okada are also impressive. Together with the national players Simon Bäumer and Kevin van Meensel, the former Bonner, the Stealers have a good mix on offense.

Duel for the fourth playoff ticket

The Dohren Wild Farmers and the Cologne Cardinals are essentially fighting a duel for fourth place. Only one defeat currently separates the two teams. Both opponents have two wins each. In recent years, the people of Dohren have usually secured the fourth playoff ticket. But the Cologne team has serious claims for the knockout round under new coach Alex Baham. These underline successes against Hamburg and Bonn. In the first meeting, however, the Wild Farmers triumphed at home on both occasions. Now the Cards want to strike back in front of their home crowd.

2024-05-23 11:04:13
#Top #game #Hamburg #Bonn #Cologne #Dohren #fight #fourth #place #1st #Baseball #Bundesliga


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