Title: “Tight Race in Betplay League with Two Games Left”

Betplay League

Everyone equalized and with two games left, all teams have a chance.

Atlético Junior vs. Millionaires.
Photo: Vanexa Romero | TIME


Futbolred Editorial

May 22, 2024, 07:36 p.m. m.

A crucial day ended in the A quadrangular of Liga BetPlay 2024-I and when Deportivo Pereira was expected to bury the hopes of some teams, it finally tied with Junior without goals, a result that left Millonarios and Atlético Bucaramanga alive, who also tied. With two dates left, everything is open.

Quadrangular results As of date 4:

Bucaramanga 0-0 Millonarios (finished)

Pereira 0-0 Junior (completed)

Table of positions date 4 BetPlay League 2024-I

1. Deportivo Pereira – 7 pts (+1)

2. Junior – 5 pts (0)

3. Bucaramanga – 5 points (0)

4. Millionaires – 4 pts (-1)

2024-05-23 04:15:53
#League #home #run #table #looked


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