Titans of San Marino Dominate Game 1 Against UnipolSai Bologna: Take Lead in Championship Challenge

The Titans of San Marino won Game 1 of the series against UnipolSai Bologna, prevailing with a clear 8-2 at the “Serravalle” stadium. A success that puts Bindi’s team momentarily at the top of group A and fuels their hopes of victory in the championship challenge.

From the first innings, the hosts made their intentions clear, spreading with a score of 6-0 after the first two attacks. The absolute protagonists of the initial forcing were Tromp, with a home run in the first round, and Batista, author of a 2-RBI double in the second inning.

In addition to the powerful attack, San Marino was able to count on high-level pitching, with Pedrol dominating for most of the match. The defense was impeccable, with a stratospheric Kourtis on the mound in the fifth inning to extinguish Bologna’s ambitions of a comeback.

Frignani’s team tried to react, but never managed to break through the wall erected by the Titans. The only jolt was the point scored in the fourth inning, thanks to a wild throw by Pedrol.

Tomorrow at 8.00 pm, Game 2 of the series will be played at the “Gianni Falchi” stadium in Bologna. UnipolSai is called to redeem itself and take advantage of the field factor to even the score.

There will be no shortage of emotions!

2024-05-17 08:39:07
#Baseball #San #Marino #wins #game #Bologna


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